Community Market category

The centralized hub for buying and selling second-hand Framework Laptops and parts among community members.

We’d like to share a quick update about the guidelines and rules regarding the second hand sales in our community forums.

As of today, we will be consolidating second hand sales of Framework Laptops and Framework Laptop parts in a dedicated section of the Community forum.

To share your listing, please fill out the template we have shared at the end of this post and create a new topic for your sale. Currently, we are only allowing sellers to create listings, please do not create a post if you are looking to buy a second hand laptop or a certain part.

You can sell your Framework Laptops and Laptops parts, and third party parts that we currently sell or previously sold on our Marketplace, however you are not allowed to sell any other third party parts (like RAM or SSD) or third party accessories separately. If you are a community developer, you can create a listing for your products as well.

Please do not share third-party links for your listing (such as eBay or Mercari). You can share the link to the Framework Marketplace item for specs.

Please note that Framework is not responsible for any issues that might occur during the second hand or community developed part sale.

Listing template:

Included Parts:
Original Purchase Date:
Price (and accepted payment methods)
Shipment option/shipment price:
Pictures of the actual laptop/parts:


Good Practices for buyers and sellers:

Please check the pictures and information provided by the sellers and ask any questions (via DM)

Sellers should share pictures of the laptop/parts they are selling, the pictures should be high resolution and taken in good lighting, showing the laptops or the parts from all angles.

If a third party part is included (such as RAM or SSD) sellers should share the brand, model number and other necessary information in the listing. Sellers are not allowed to sell third party parts separately, but can sell parts sold by Framework (such as Cooler master mainboard case).

Sellers should wipe their drives and clean the laptop/parts before the shipment.

Bidding is not allowed on these threads.

Sellers and buyers should communicate via DM and provide updates privately. After a laptop or a part is sold, sellers should update the thread.


This is great. I hope this provides a good central source for Framework parts for other Framework clients (and new clients too!)


Is there any chance for Framework to do trade-ins for upgrades or buy back Framework laptops at a rate lower than market price for a used laptop in the future? It just is always more reassuring when a company handles the transaction.


I second this! I’d totally love to be able to upgrade my FW16 and have Framework take my unused parts off my hands. Like if/when I can upgrade the RX 7700S. Otherwise, it would likely just sit around. It would also be nice if doing so could get me a discount on a replacement component (i.e. trade in), but even if there wasn’t a discount it would still be nice for the old component to possibly get used.

Also I love the idea for an entire category for buying and selling stuff. I know from what I’ve currently seen there was one or two sales of the RX 7700S in the FW16 forums but it could be a little difficult to find. As for the community development I’ve seen topics where there was one or two people working on and some users were confused as to if items are still being sold and by whom. I think this is a great way to clear that up and leave those forums for creativity, development, and updates on a project while sales on a finished project can be here. That way there’s no confusion on an item being finished and for sale or currently being worked on.


What is the reason behind this restriction? Buying via ebay would give buyers much higher assurance against potential fraud.

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Thanks for the question. After agreeing to buy the product from a seller, you can reach out privately and complete the transaction using third-party platforms. We want to keep the information here (pictures, included parts, price, etc.) as much as possible. :wink: Hope this helps!


Thanks, makes sense.

(This is my general pet peeve: people often do not like, or tend to ignore, restrictions for which they do not know/see a reason or which seem arbitrary.)

Ok, I want to list my Framework 13 for sale, but I don’t see any listing here or how to post mine. Can point me in the right direction or better yet show the complete link?

@Destroya’s first two posts should have all the information you require.

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Hey, any chance you live in Europe and your laptop is running on Intel? If so, I am a willing buyer. Shoot me a dm

A post was split to a new topic: Free Input Cover