Any plans for reseller/dealer program in the future?

We’re a IT service provider (MSP) and I love the idea of being able to repair the laptops ourselves.

Any plans to for a reseller/dealer program in the future?


In Western Canada there is a chain of computer stores called Memory Express. They are generally all about DIY. I was always disappointed that there laptop selection, while broad, was limited to off the shelf models. I could see Framework and ME being a great match.


I am also a reseller and in need of a laptop like Framework! We have 14 employees and ALL of them want to sell Framework products.

We have been in business since 1995 and have built over 200,000 systems since opening!

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I have owned and operated a custom built computer store since 1995. We build, service and repair our own systems, but we also repair almost anything that comes in the door, about 200 systems a month!

We hate repairing most new laptops and since we sell alot of laptops, my question is:

Is there a reseller program for Framework products? We want to sell this product in our brick and mortar store, Computer Exchange.

We have been in this location since 1995.

I sent a message to support, but an automated message said it would be some time before I would get a response.

We want to be part of the solution! Can anyone tell me if there is or will be a reseller program available?

We would be happy to be the first and are willing to do whatever it takes.

My techs want to sell Framework, I want to sell Framework and my customers trust us and listen to our recommendations and will buy Framework if we can provide it to them!

Any solutions?


As a consumer, I think it’d be amazing if I saw this in a store and could get a feel for it, and would be thrilled to support both Framework and my local computer store at the same time, had I the opportunity.

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There currently is not a reseller program, and Framework has not announced any plans for them. Given the demand for direct sales (20+ batches of preorders, some of which still have not gone out the door), and how complicated retail logistics are (especially for a company with fewer than 50 employees globally), I would be surprised if it happened in the near future.