Anyone hear about a smaller touchpad?

I’m curious if anyone has heard anything about a smaller touchpad for the 16" laptop. I hate the HUMUNGUS touchpads on laptops nowadays, while typing they tend to be touched by my palms and my clothes don’t stop it. I prefer smaller touchpads, and just curious if there’s been any thing out there.


What OS?
Perhaps there is software that can ignore a portion of the touchpad and make it virtually smaller. That would seem to be an easier option for Framework

You’re not making any sense, I will assume you don’t like framework.

I love Framework.

Sorry, maybe I didn’t get what you were asking.
If you’re asking if they sell different, smaller touchpad modules for the Framework 16, no, they don’t. They only have the one.

They could sell a smaller one. I don’t know if that’s likely to happen, though. Framework has not announced plans to sell any different touchpads yet. But they do not announce things too far ahead of time. They only announce when they are close to releasing an item / when it’s a sure thing that will come out.

Thanks, I honestly thought you were trolling. But good to know how their releases work.

I can’t speak to a smaller touchpad, however the touchpad can be shifted one spot to the right of the keyboard. Palm rejection works while typing if you keep your hand touching the touchpad while you type, this is awkward to do when it’s directly beneath the keyboard. It’s a fair bit easier (albeit still somewhat awkward if significantly less so imo) when it’s positioned to the right.

I suspect if framework had enabled the touchpad to be placed two positions to the right it would work even better.