Batch 2 - Intel 12th - Guild

same and it shows delivery on friday. it even said today “package not due for delivery”. i called them and asked if i can pick it up myself as i don’t want to wait until friday but apparently in their system it is marked for tomorrow :slight_smile:

i also have to get my installation medium ready still :smiley:


Laptop has just arrived!

Best Regards,


I’m a long time Windows fan, and also use Ubuntu regularly but for my Framework I’ve decided to try something different and will be installing Fedora 36.

I’ve been trying out various distros, including Ubuntu Budgie and Fedora 36, in virtual machines while I’ve been waiting and Fedora is the one I’ve enjoyed the most

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Glad to see everyone starting to get theirs in. After a weekend of usage, I freaking love this laptop. It is not perfect by any stretch, but it really is a super slick device. Glad to support the cause!!!


Happy to see you like it!
I noticed you didn’t update the spreadsheet since “Payment complete”. Would be nice if you can do that :slight_smile: Surely helps some people with their waiting therapy haha

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DONE! :smiley:


:partying_face: Just received mine :partying_face: .
No problems so far, installing ubuntu 22.04 lts
Took a looooong time to get the screen up to bios (did remain dark with fan on for about 1mn, quiet scary :cold_face:), but all is OK now. So just be patient at first power on :sweat_smile:


Same here, but after a sprinkle of patience and cautious tickle of the trackpad, all was well!

Best Regards,


It’s here!! :grinning:


This was so helpful. I really would have panicked if I hadn’t read this. Thanks!


I was in the same boat as you, but they did try today and nobody was able to pick it up

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Note that it also tells you in the quick start guides. [Or non-DIY.] These guides are quite useful actually.

  • Open the lid on your Framework Laptop and press the power button.
    • Note that your first boot will take a while before the logo comes up on screen as the system does memory training. The more memory you’ve installed, the longer this could take (on the order of a minute or two with 64GB!)

Other crucial information in the guides includes this one (not quite as explicit in the DIY guide though):

The Framework Laptop ships in a mode where the battery is disabled until power is first plugged in, so you really do have to plug in power at this step!

IIRC, I’ve even seen reviewers slightly confused over this behavior in some YT vids… well… they ought to just RTFM, I guess ^^


As a follow up to the Framework 12th Gen I received in Batch 2, I purchased the Ethernet Expansion card for each of my Framework units. Hopefully the fulfillment will be a little faster.

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The amount of time to wait is very dependent on the amount of RAM. As I had 64 GB of RAM, it was only a couple minutes.

I did see a heat issue when I played a game on Steam (via Linux) using the “High Performance” setting with the default graphics (set to High as well). After some adjustments, I was able to play the same game for 3 to 4 hours last night.

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This thing plays CK3 well, CK2 excellently!

Also, after receiving mine today, it was only in the past few minutes I noticed a bend in my input cover, turns out a literal stray screw, tiny little thing, was stuck on one of the fastening magnets, causing a breach in the seal. Little bugger has now been removed, must be an extra-extra screw because there is no space for it anywhere!

Best Regards,


Should just print it onto the inside of the box at this point. So many people don’t RTFM.


I have not played that game before - I am adding it to my wish-list. I know you use a different operating system, but are there modes for the CPU (like Battery Life, Balanced, or High Performance)?

I was playing Cities: Skylines on Steam. It is a simulation game and I was zooming in and out of different parts of the cites. Unfortunately I was rebuilding a section of my cities for about 30 minutes before the unit powered off. I was assuming it was the throttling issue.


Runnin’ Ubuntu on this baby, it was the only installation media ready when the delivery man turned up. So far, I charged it up to 98% when I got it, battery is still running strong at 67% now, have kept it in Ubuntu’s “Balanced” option. Even after throwing in a few mins of CK3 to see how it runs.

I’m confident I could go a whole day of lectures back to back and not need to charge this thing, which is perfect for my use case.

Best Regards,

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Mine did as well. I remember reading somewhere that when you install fresh memory/storage it will take some time to validate on first boot. I just left it, went and go some coffee and when I got back had the “try or install Ubuntu” screen up.

Edit: Found it on the page that talks about replacing memory.
Memory Replacement Guide

Note that your first boot after installing new memory will take a while before the logo comes up on screen as the system does memory training. The more memory you’ve installed, the longer this could take (on the order of a minute or two with 64GB!)

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If you don’t mind my asking, what was it about Fedora 36 that decided it for you? My experience to date is limited to Ubuntu.

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