Batches Shipping Log

Batch 12, just got my shipping email! Glad I’m getting home tomorrow, might be as early as Sat maybe. Probably next week tho, is my guess.

batch 12 and got shipping email! sooo excited!!!



Batch 12 card charged yesterday , but have not shipped yet

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Same here

My computer from batch 12 arrived today in Belgium just an hour ago!


Makes us batch 18 guys feel better LOL


Expecting my Batch 12 on Wed., May 1st.


Batch 12 Shipping email received.

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wow mine is charged 5 days ago but still not yet shipped to canda :frowning:

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It’ll be on it’s way soon enough. I recall them saying that they put together and ship out similar configuration machines together, so for actual shipping there may be/likely will have overlap between 2, or maybe even 3 batches. I imagine country counts in there too, but not sure.

Does suck though, to be waiting and others have suddenly gotten theirs and yours hasn’t even shipped yet :frowning:

And the rest. The batch 12 ‘preparing’ email went out on Apr 22, and some days after that someone posted they had finally received their batch 9 machine. I think it was the next day that the batch 13 ‘preparing’ email was sent.

My batch 12 ‘shipping’ email arrived this morning, so over a week after the ‘preparing’ email.

It may have actually shipped by now, they can be slow to update such information. Good Luck!

[translation] for all those like me who only took one RAM stick, I don’t know if it is written clearly in the framework tutorials but I was unable to start Windows by putting the stick in slot 0. you have to put it in location 1

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First card charges for Batch 13 at 1308 US Central time!

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Batch 14 just got prepping email!


Batch 12. Prep email on 4/22/24. Arrived 5/1/24. Due to other commitments, still haven’t had an opportunity to open the box yet.


Oof. That’s got to be hard. I admire your self control.


Batch 13 in transit via FedEX to Germany

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How do you know it? Do you get emails about the stages of your delivery? I am getting nothing in my inbox.

No, you need to keep manually following the tracking number for your order.