Bezel Doesn't Fit

I first got my Framework laptop a week ago but getting the bezel installed is a total nightmare. When I first got it, I forced the bezel into place, only for it to get caught on the display cable and destroyed. Support sent a new bezel, which arrived today, and I for the life of me cannot figure out how to get it to sit right. The bottom left is a particular problem, with it not wanting to sit flat at all, but each attempt to sit it seems to make it fit worse. It’s as if the bezel and my screen are different sizes/shapes. How can I make this thing actually fit? I’m already frustrated with how long this process has taken. I wanted to love Framework, but this keeps dragging on with no end in sight, and my existing laptop is VERY under-powered (only 4 GB of RAM) and I don’t know where else to get a replacement since it was from ZA Reason, which has been out of business for years. I like being able to install my own OS, which nobody else offers.

Lighting is very poor on the second photo. Can you retake it in a place with better lighting? Besides that, I can already see that the sides aren’t aligned properly. If you’re installing it from top to bottom, you need to make sure that those areas are aligned first.

I don’t really have anywhere in my apartment with better lighting, but I did turn the flash on for this one. Any tips on how to make sure it’s aligned? I keep trying, but it never seems to align. I’m not even sure if it’s able to. Whenever I align one part, another comes out of alignment. Also, the part of the bezel that’s supposed to fit over the hinges feels a bit narrow, as if it would need to be forcibly widened in order to fit correctly.

The cable on the right hinge needs to be moved further up so that it goes more around the hinge. As for aligning the bezel, there’s 2 ways you can go about it. I prefer bottom to up where you install the bottom part of the bezel first as I find it a lot easier to install. First, you need to angle bezel slightly so that it hooks under the hinge. Then you need to apply a smaller amount of force and possibly rotate it slightly so that it slides in. Afterwards, you can release the bezel and it pretty much should align itself at the top. If there are small areas of misalignment, you can just lift it up a little and readjust. You may also need to push the side bezel in gently.


I think I managed to get close at least - it mostly fit and just a light push got things in. Still, the laptop would make noises when trying to open and close it. The bezel seems fine, but I think I found the issue: there is a bit of metal sticking out from the bottom of the display. Is this fixable, or am I going to need to return the laptop?

Believe that’s just a sticker. However, you do need to screw in the bottom screws first as they help to hold the hinge in. That noise you’re hearing is likely due to the screws being loose.

I figured out what that was: it was one of the magnets from the old bezel that got destroyed. Removed that, and it fits. Unfortunately, trying to screw on the input cover now that I’ve gotten the bezel done, it looks like that corner of the input cover doesn’t sit quite properly and it looks like the corner is slightly bent. Is there any way to fix that, or am I just SOL? I paid $1400 for this laptop, so to have it damaged before I even install the OS really, really sucks. I assume it must have either been from the bezel that got destroyed or shipping damage. Or maybe a manufacturing defect?

This is honestly the first time that I’ve seen this occur. While it might be possible to bend it back, I’d rather you open a support ticket and see what they say.

I did, but I haven’t heard back yet and I’m already annoyed at how long this has dragged on. I’m not sure what they can do other than replace the whole laptop, and I can’t have this saga drag on too much longer. Plus all this chaos isn’t good for my sanity.