Clearance Delay Club

Mine was being released from Custom at 11:13 am Anchorage, AK local time.

Mine as well. Have fun!

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mine says delivery tomorrow


Update: Supposingly… but FedEx has other plan, they are still holding onto it :slight_smile: hahahaha

Wish they would give it to me tomorrow (10/1)

Update2: Got mine yesterday, was busy setting it up tearing it apart lol
assembled today and typing on it now

Ah, I’m in the same boat. Glad I found this thread and thanks for the updates.

Yup im in the same boat. Hopefull us in Batch 10 get cleared fast

My shipping confirmation says mine was supposed to be delivered today but FedEx says it’s going to sit for 10 days before being returned to sender. Does anyone know if I’ll get refunded automatically and how long it takes?

I was really looking forward to this thing. Very disappointed.

My best guess is we will get it on Monday or Tuesday. It’s a known issue with some of the orders being held by customs.

Mine just got released from customs! Looks like my guess for Monday is going to be right.

Lucky! Enjoy it!

Update 1: I’m on day 10 (business day 6) with Clearance Delay in Alaska.

Contact Framework support. Looks like yours didn’t get automatically pushed through.

Update 2: Framework support is aware and have been keeping me updated. They’re reaching out to FedEx and waiting to hear back from them.

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Nice. Hope you get yours soon!

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Update 3: Delivered today!


Epic! Hope you enjoy it. This thing has been awsome. I just need to find a new backpack as its a lot bigger than my old laptop


Batch 13, day 5 (3 business days) of stuck in clearance delay. Is it better to contact framework support or FedEx or both to try and move it through?

No need to take any additional action at the moment, delays are usually cleared out in a few days and are monitored by our logistics team.

Not quite a clearance delay, but I ordered my first Framework last week (FW13, Ryzen 7840U) and got an email today that all shipments to Australia have been delayed.
(By 2-3 weeks according to the shiny new banner at the top of the main site)

Obviously these things can’t be helped when it’s an issue with the shipping company, but that doesn’t make me any less impatient for my shiny new tinker machine!

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