Detailed TPM report not working properly (Valorant VAN 1067)

My goal is to play Valorant like I have been, but I keep getting the dreaded VAN 1067 error after around 5 minutes being in game.

  1. Been having secure boot on.
    I have Pop_OS dual boot on my ssd, but have only been booting into windows 11 for about 2 months.
  2. Installed windows 11 twice!
    Originally upgraded from Windows 10. Installed the latest bios 3.08 and the driver bundle for my 12th gen.
  3. Tried enabling TPM from windows and the BIOS.

I will note I have been playing on a hotspot that has limited me 600kps, but I believe I was playing on that before I got speed limited, no issues when I prioritized Valorant for network bandwidth. Even get ~40 ping with the limit before I get the error.

Enabling TPM on the bios doesn’t do anything as it reverts to “No Operation” when the bios gets loaded again, also tried using both ways on Windows 11. Same problem as this poster Even disabled Intel Virtualization Technology in my bios but no luck.

On my 2nd install, I didn’t even run the Windows debloat tool to rule it out, still VAN 1067.
Got an old error msg even tho bundle was installed, just downloaded a bunch of updates from Windows to fix, then back to VAN 1067.

I get VAN 1067, with no headphones plugged in (Wooting 60HE+, Logitech USB, Anker 6 foot long cable with OEM charger, and HDMI plugged in (165hz Pixio)) always around 5 minutes into the game. I would be able to enter an online game, but would always get that error and wont be able to play.

One thing that remains constant in Windows System Event Log is Event ID 1000 when I get the error.
Faulting application name: vgc.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x00000000
Faulting module name: unknown, version:, time stamp: 0x00000000
Exception code: 0xc0000409
Fault offset: 0x0000021419ff007c
Faulting process id: 0x0x353C
Faulting application start time: 0x0x1DAE7B1A54B64E5
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\Riot Vanguard\vgc.exe
Faulting module path: unknown
Report Id: f62aee06-0483-4547-9ea5-ed9d557f6f86
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:

Is it my motherboard that’s screwed? Maybe memory? Do I just have to enable TPM even though it seems my game was working fine before without it enabled? I’m really looking for any help I can get. Vanguard(Anti-cheat)/Valorant requires TPM 2.0 on. No point in using Windows 11 if I can’t play my chinese FPS spyware game. Thank you for reading, any help is appreciated by the lovely team at Framework and the community <3

If your TPM is not working in Windows 11 then Riot Vanguard will fail and hence the game shutting down. I know on my old Windows 10 machine (no TPM module) playing League of Legends has not worked for a few weeks but if I open it up on my FW16 with Windows 11 it load up just fine and I can get into a match.

TPMs are great when they work; though they are a hassle if errors crop up and it is not clear how to get it working correctly again in the operating system.

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