Display refresh rate not returning to previous setting when switching from GPU to APU

So I have encountered an issue that I haven’t seen anyone else talking about so I figured I’d make a post to see if anyone else is experiencing the same thing and if there’s any way to fix it. When the laptop is using the 780M iGPU, there are five options for refresh rate in Windows settings: 165Hz, 82.5Hz, 60Hz, Dynamic (83 or 165Hz), and Dynamic (60 or 120Hz). I would prefer to use the Dynamic (83 or 165Hz) mode for power efficiency reasons without giving up too much in terms of display smoothness. The problem, however, occurs when I open a program that switches to the RX 7700S dGPU. When using the dGPU, there are only two refresh rate options: 165Hz or 60Hz. This would normally be fine as I only really want to use the dGPU when plugged in, so having the display at it’s max refresh rate is fine. However, when I close the program and it switches back to the 780M, the display keeps the 165Hz setting instead of going back to the dynamic mode I had previously selected. While it’s not a super serious issue, it is definitely an annoyance having to remember to open the display settings and set the refresh rate back to dynamic. I’m not sure if this is a Windows issue, a driver issue, or something else, but hopefully someone smarter than me maybe knows why this is happening and how to fix it. Thanks everyone!

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Hi, surprised to see no replies here yet. I’ve been fighting with this issue on and off since I got my batch 1. I’ve tried the Framework-supplied drivers, as well as full, minimal, and driver-only installs from AMD’s webpage. All of them had the issue, and I’ve also had some similar problems with AMD Smartshift Eco turning itself off after awhile. It’s a crying shame because the balance between power on A/C and efficiency on battery was one of the main reasons I got this laptop, but the software doesn’t seem quite there yet.