DongleHider+ - Multiple dongles and a normal USB A socket

Yeh you can order one now.

All 50 assembled PCBs have been ordered from JLCPCB, ETA next Friday for arrival.

Ordered! Thank you Josh. :smiley:
Accidentally ordered 2 or 3 too much, but that’ll probably work itself out.

If anyone in the Netherlands wants one, let me know.

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@Josh_Cook I am very curious, reading the thread and knowing my order. Have you sold out yet?

Order placed :smiley:

(I don’t even have the laptop yet lol)

Out of the first 50 PCB batch, 4 units away from sold out but orders will continue.

Production has been delayed, I’m expecting to ship all orders during the 13th to the 17th week due to a holiday I wasn’t aware of.

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Still one available? I’ll need one of these when my Batch 15 (hopefully) comes in 2 weeks.
Amazing job btw :smiley:

Order link is here, click Josh_Cook in the top right corner of this post.

I’m not affiliated, choice is yours if you order.

As I said, orders will continue.

This is really interesting, I was already about to buy one but just to make sure, so I can buy two:
Does it work with the Logitech Bolt?
I know it doesn’t change much between those two other than stronger security, but it’s what I have and I won’t buy a Unifyng Dongle unless it’s necessary
Has someone tried or can tell me if it could also work with some USB Nano storages?

As I’ve said earlier in the thread, as long as it is a USB2.0 (or below) it will work, as long as it mechanically fits

from the Logitech site: The Logi Bolt receiver requires USB 2.0 Type-A.

so short answer: Yes it works and it’s small enough to fit, it’s dimensions resemble the 1st gen of the Unifying Dongle.

For the usb storage, it could be a problem, not because of dimensions but because it’s usb 3.2… Do you have some suggestions for a Nano usb storage that supports 2.0?

The UltraFit USB flash drives should still work, just at a slower speed, you need to make sure you don’t get any solder on the USB3 pins

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Will do! Thanks you for your availability

Hi! I’m looking at the GitHub files and I can see the pads to solder 2 different dongles, but I cant find any pads for a 3rd. Am I missing something? It doesn’t really matter for my use case (1 unifying receiver). I’m just curious.

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There are no complete pads to solder a dongle for the 3rd USB port, but there are simply 2 pads (D+/-) to the right of the USB Hub IC.

Shipment will be delayed a week as I was hoping to have the boards in hand this week, but since the assembly process has not started yet this won’t happen. (ETA for shipment from China is the 16th, I should receive it on Monday (20th) with orders shipping out the day after)


i think i see. so a third dongle would require soldering jumper wires onto the usb hub for data? And probably grabbing power from the pads for one of the other usb pads?

Correct. USB Data pads circled in the image below.


Just got sample images back from JLCPCB, they applied too much glue (for mechanical rigidity) to the first 2 PCBs so I let them know this was incorrect. Still on track for next week shipment.



Final PCB image