Driving Samsung 49" 5120x1440 at 240Hz with Framework 13 7840U


I am thinking about purchasing a Framework 13 with the AMD 7840U/32GB/1TB config. I was wondering whether the integrated graphics is able to support running at 240Hz on a 5120x1440 monitor on the DisplayPort expansion card? Right now I have a Lenovo Ideapad with a Ryzen 5 7530U and integrated graphics and am only able to get 120Hz at that resolution.


AMD specs show the 7840U can push up to 3840x2160 @ 240hz, while the 7530U is only capable of 60hz at that resolution (https://www.amd.com/en/products/processors/laptop/ryzen.html#tabs-1181ea0b44-item-29c8006541-tab).

I haven’t tested it myself but based on those specs I think it would work, as your 5120x1440 display is slightly less pixels in total than the 3840x2160 example.

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