Entering the Education Market

First off, I love this laptop, I love the ideology that has gone into making such an awesome product, and I’m really excited for my current machine to give me any indication that it’s time for me to replace it with one of these.

I have family that works in education (a teacher at a local grade school). I’ve heard horror stories about the damage that students can inflict on machines, but equally horrific is the amount of money and time that large computer manufacturers require to repair these devices. Obviously this initial Framework Laptop device is too high-end to be distributed to local grade-schoolers, but the concept of and easy to repair machine with off-the-shelf components would be a life-saver to school-districts around the world that currently are dependent on large computer manufacturers to distribute and repair their computers.

Have you considered entering the education market with a smaller device?


There is definitely great potential for bringing repairable, upgradable devices into education settings. It’s an area we’re excited about for the future.


Came here to post exactly this. Just one thing to add. This is worth doing also for propaganda (in good seance of the word). Planting early on the ideas of reparability, sustainability, and all the good principles that Framework is based on.

I work in a foundation that provides underprivileged students with laptops (mostly chromebooks) and the internet. Issues with laptops pop up from time to time, and if we had Framework laptops, fixing them would be a no-brainer.

The university I work for has a small computer shop with repair services in the campus book store. Framework could be great for those stores. Added bonus is schools often have discounted/free software for students, including Windows.

Sorry to post to an old thread, but I do some [cheap] consultancy work as an IT admin for a few super small schools with 10-40 students aged between 7-15. All these schools have a similar problem: they need to get more than 4 years out of the computer inventory they buy due to budget constraints. Maintainability and upgradeability is a big issue for me as I spend a whole lot of time trying to buy batteries and wifi-chips for the old fleet of computers.

I don’t think I am alone in this struggle, so please framework people, when you are ready to start doing education sales, please reach out and I’ll convince my customers to try out your computers. :slight_smile:

I feel like the education space will be a really great space for Framework in a couple of years when they have multiple generations of mainboards available. Those older mainboards sound like they’ll be great for students who don’t necessarily need the latest and greatest (and also most expensive) processors.

Sorry to bump an older conversation but I, too, would love to see Framework enter the education market.

As a Teacher who also does the job of a Technical Support Officer at school - having a laptop that is very easy to repair and would be able to last at least 4 years (schools in NSW, Australia love laptops with 3/4 year warranty) and be easy to upgrade would be an absolute dream.

Whether they be Chromebooks (priced around $400 AUD) or Windows (priced around $600 - 800 AUD) devices - or even better having both as an option - it would be brilliant. They only need to have 8GB RAM and a 256GB nVME SSD as a base model.

If you could please make an approach to the NSW Department of Education in Australia that would be awesome.

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I am an IT manager at a high school in Vancouver and would definitely love to see something 13" and rugged for students! Machines get damaged and it’s hard to keep up with repairs. This would make life much easier.