Expansion Bay Carrying Case (In Progress)

I’m working on a 3D-printable Carrying Case for spare Expansion Bays.

Are there any features you would like to see?

Here are some Features I plan on implementing:

  • 4 Expansion port storage slots (1+ ethernet adapter compatible)
  • Printable on 256 x 256 x 256 mm³ Printers
  • Screwdriver Storage
  • Low-Profile

From the mockup, is this a storage option for the expansion bay shell and expansion GPU?

This is a great idea, following :heart_eyes:

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The case takes up the space the laptop would take up and latches to the foot, making it compatible with Both. The goal for this project is for it to be portable enough to be in a backpack so you can hot-swap the GPU module when you need it.

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Hi @EmilioP! Welcome to the forum!

Nice concept. Do not forget a place to safely store the interposer connector!




  • completly covers electronics.


  • clips are too tight and not compliant enough
    • 1st iteration didn’t fit on GPU; 2nd had increased tolerance (.25") and still permanently deformed before clipping
    • Unsure if it’s a geometry issue or if the GPU and Default feet are different. Will test this out later


Let me know what you think.

  • I would Buy this.
  • I will print this once it is finished
0 voters

Could you provide a version that is not split in the middle for printers that can fit the entire part?

I can post both once I finalize the design and am happy with it.


@EmilioP This is a great build. A place for screwdriver and interposer storage would be amazing!

The biggest issue with the interposer storage is that, personally, I would want it in an antistatic bag in the front pocket of a backpack. It will have a spot for the screwdriver. I’ll see where I can fit a spot for it for those who care less about static or wear & tear.

I am interested in the case as I ordered the dGPU and the shell. Now I am looking for something to hold the shell or the dGPU. For the interposer storage I am planning on re-using the case the interposer for the shell came.

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Aren’t both interposers essentially just traces on an FPC? I don’t even see any passives, why would they need anti-static protection if that’s the case?


Thank you! This looks like very promising. Is your design able to cover both the expansion bay and the gpu module or is it only for the gpu?
Let us know what’s the progress :slight_smile:

I found these other attempts:


I don’t have a 3D printer, so I am down for buying one that’s complete and tested. :slight_smile:

I have both the expansion bay shell and the 7700S. I only find myself swapping occasionally depending on my requirements, so it would be nice to have a cover. Right now I just have it sit on my shelf lightly wrapped with the original wrapper (the GPU doesn’t wrap completely since the wrapper was for the shell). I have the interposer plastic packaging that came with it, so I use that for the unused interposer. The screw driver is just… laying on the shelf, as are my extra expansion cards. It would be nice to have a case for everything so I’d feel more comfortable storing or even transporting them with me.

I might run into an issue when transporting my Framework 16, because the dGPU might make it too large for my backpack. So I would be pleased if you actually made a case that fits both - GPU or normal housing, depending on what is currently installed.

I was wondering, would it be complex to design a modified expansion bay that can also act as case expansion cards? There should be plenty of empty space to store them.


Here is the final result. I am happy with the main design, but I am not happy enough to share Cad or sell It yet. The only changes would be tolerance correction and quality-of-life improvements. The next steps are to make the clip out of aluminum and see if there isn’t a need for the captive screws, see if I can make the bolts compatible with the included screwdriver, and make sure that the GPU module and regular module both fit nicely.

Unfortunately, Framework doesn’t sell the captive bolts that hold the expansion board into the mainboard. I wish this were something that was sold, even if I had to buy them in bulk.

Here are a few pictures of some models between V1 and V2.

Here are some polls to gather more information about what the community wants.

How many cards should the case hold?

  • 4 regular sized Expansion cards
  • 2 regular expansion cards, 1 ethernet card
0 voters

What should I sell?

  • I would buy a hardware pack and print the 2 halves of the case myself
  • I would buy a screw pack and print/ manufacture the 2 halves and clip/joining plate
  • I would buy a full product 3d printed out of PLA and aluminum clip/joining plate
  • I would buy a premium product 3d printed from composite materials and powder-coated aluminum clip
0 voters

I need this!

Sorry to re-open a dead thread but I was wondering if STL files would ever be released for this?



I wanted to check if there has been any updates on this… Really wanting to get something as I will be moving a lot and would love to have a carrying case for the expansion bay.