Framework 13 intel 1360p chip getting way to hot

is this the news intel is in trouble for? 13th and 14th gen getting too hot and melting?

No, as far as we know, laptop chips aren’t affected by the current Intel problem.

What is “way too hot”?

Please specify the exact temperature of your processor

Okay, I wasn’t sure. 88C and it was installing a graphic driver, thought it was weird
hovering around 49C on idle now

88C is not melting, it’s lower than 100C, 49 idling is not high as the fan is fully off to lower noise at this temp

Solder melts above 250°C and silicon and other metals at even higher temperatures. Laptop CPUs are usually rated up to 100°C, so that isn’t super hot. Maybe slightly hot when just installing a driver, but not causing any damage. Make sure the lid is open and there is no soft underground (like a couch) for optimal airflow.