I recently was debugging a renesas RA8D1 dev board and suddenly the port died and was showing a windows message of power surge and now the port is dead i have tried to reinstall drivers and test in linux the tty port and it wasnt working only power was working does thunderbolt 4 port have a intermediary ic before going to CPU if so what is it?
We need to move your case to the Community Support category, can you please confirm what model is your laptop?
See here for mainboard overviews
The AMD mainboard I understand uses Analogix ANX7493 & Kandou KB8002 retimers.
its framework 13 with 1165G7 i just purchased from B stock
from what i see its the infinion cypress ccg5 i dont know how the chip work and if its just power management or does both data and power it would be great if framework gave motherboard schematic to read in altium
Framework has said full schematics are available to repair companies who sign a nondisclosure agreement, which is required by the partner Framework designed their mainboard with. Unfortunately, most normal companies don’t have the same views as Framework on open sourcing the work they’ve spent time and resources on. Framework has open sourced everything that they are able to at this time.
If you work for a repair shop, you could get the full schematics.
Unfortunatly i do not own any repair shop or access to one but i would just like to fix my thunderbolt port if possible i just need more context on how the thunderbolt port works and what ics are present and what might be fried i have been researching a bit and found that it might be Intel JHL8040R the controller hopefully if i change the ic it will be fixed and i believe that they should provide the schematics of old board since they are not being maintaind or produced anymore.
Without access a qualified shop to or knowledge of microsoldering this is a steep curve to try and “fix” a damaged port. A quick search reveals the spec sheet of the controller. If it is a BGA (i.e. the dual port chip) the odds of fixing it successfully without damaging other components is not good.
That chip looks like it does handle the power and communication, though I only took a quick glance through the diagrams.
The datasheet gives enough information to diagnose which pins are what channel, good luck finding test points and not shorting something else in the process.
Being as this eval kit toasted a port; plugging it into a powered hub after the FW13 board would be cheap insurance for the future. Better still would be investing $200 on an old laptop for your board debugging.
Almost no company in existence publishes their schematics after they are done producing a product. Call up Apple and ask them for their board level schematics for their “obsolete” products and see how far that goes.
Yes. I’d really consider a hub in between and a less expensive laptop for working with any usb attached dev hardware. You can get a couple year old Thinkpad for really cheap on ebay, since companies sell off old models as soon as the original warranty & service plans end.
I realize you do say “Almost no company” but adding “in existence” kind of works to counteract that.
There are a few that sell fully open hardware. And at least one company, MNT Research, sells an open hardware laptop, the MNT Reform. Though it’s specs are not on the same level as Framework. CPU is an ARM RK3588. It’s also thick and heavy. More of an enthusiast device.
But they seem to make full schematics and even kicad pcb board files available
You can certainly say no company with an equal laptop (equal to Framework or other current gen intel or AMD) publishes full schematics (yet).
i understand that its more reasonable to just buy a new board but in europe its way more expensive and the 11th series are out of stock besides that if you go to the ccg5 from infineon datasheets it doesnt handel the comunication portion and it requires another ic to make the pd requests which is the intel 8040R after opening the board i can confirm that it is true and 2 8040R for each ccg5 in a way i am just curious of how theboard is constructed so that i can have a better idea of my own hardware since i came to this ecosystems because of my old system which was a surface pro 7
its the first time i have heard of mnt laptop it cost quite a lot and it seems all passive components are all at most 0805 which are pleasent to solder while in my framework it seems to be using 0201 is many sections.
i think it’s this one, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DA0Jr4WH-4