I’ve been trying to figure out how to use Illuminanced to control my display brightness using Framework16’s light sensor.
Thing is, by default, the config file refers to an intel backlight file and the wrong sensor:
### Default /etc/illuminanced.toml sample:
max_backlight_file = "/sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/max_brightness"
backlight_file = "/sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness"
illuminance_file = "/sys/bus/acpi/devices/ACPI0008:00/iio:device0/in_illuminance_raw"
As you may know, the Framework 16 does not (as of now) ship with an Intel CPU at all.
Changing these lines to this makes illuminanced work properly with the FW16:
### Correct /etc/illuminanced.toml sample:
max_backlight_file = "/sys/class/backlight/amdgpu_bl2/max_brightness"
backlight_file = "/sys/class/backlight/amdgpu_bl2/brightness"
illuminance_file = "/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device0/in_illuminance_raw"
The systemd service should now start properly when using this config.
This config might work with the 13 (AMD), but only own a 16 (7040 series) so I can’t test.
I am using arch btw and I also use the AUR version of illuminanced.
The config I shared is customized to what I like personally.
The light sensor has a range from 0 to 3355 according to my testing (Shining my phone’s flashlight directly on the sensor makes it stuck at 3355 and putting my finger on it stucks it at 0)
edits: site was buggy due to bad internet so it didn’t send properly + added full file link