Full screen apps not covering full screen (Windows 11)?

I have this odd problem that I thought was specific to apps but seems to affect several: when I try to make an app full screen, there’s a line of pixels on the right edge that isn’t covered up. So if I have a white web page open in a maximized window, and then open a full screen app on top of that (Q10 for example), a line of white pixels shows on the right side of my screen at the edge of the full screen app. Seems to happen at multiple display scaling settings (at least both 125% and 150%) with the latest gfx drivers. I’m on the 11th gen i5 mainboard, FWIW.

Found a solution for Q10 at least: for the exe open properties, and under compatibility settings, click “change high DPI settings” then under High DPI scaling override, check the ‘Override high DPI scaling behavior. Scaling performed by:’ box and select “Application” from the drop-down.

Given how old that Q10 app is (seems like it hasn’t seen major changes since 2007?), it probably wasn’t designed with high DPI screens in mind. You could confirm by setting scaling to 100%, rebooting (some older apps don’t handle dynamic DPI changes well), and seeing if it still happens.

Windows has had high DPI support for a long time, but it wasn’t really popular nor fully implemented until the Windows 8 era, around the time when Apple released their MacBooks with “Retina” screens. 2012ish.

Glad to hear that fiddling with the high DPI settings worked.