FW16 Batch 1 Guild

Yes, same for many of us. Don’t worry. In about a week they will pick up again.


That is so disheartening. I had my old laptop stolen about a year ago and decided this was going to be my next. Waiting this long is killing me.


Check your email, there was an update just sent.


Does anyone have a photo of the inside? I see some spacers near the heatsink that aren’t present in the assembly videos. Wondering if this shipping batch included the fix mentioned in the seventh update.


Are they right under the keyboard? If so they might be to stop keyboard flex.


Yeah, there was just a 7th shipping update, they specifically mention keyboard flex. More unit to unit variation than they expect/want. The fix they’re experimenting with is adding some rubber pads in a few places. They’ll be adding it to manufacturing and ship kits to everyone else.

One other update we’d like to share is the deeper research we’ve done on feedback a few press reviewers had on keyboard deflection. We performed additional measurements on multiple units and found that there is some unit to unit variation, but that there is a greater range across the span of a keyboard in areas that could deflect more or less depending on the support structure below it. The target we’ve set is under 0.6mm of deflection when pressed with 400 grams of force, which puts the keyboard on par with the behavior on Framework Laptop 13. You can see a measurement below on one system with the keyboard aligned to the left, with some keys exceeding the 0.6mm limit:

EDIT: Here’s the posting on it Seventh update on Framework Laptop 16 shipment timing


Do these line up?


They are not that large. That is why I asked if anyone else had them


the exact same thing happened today, except the delivery driver made it to my front door before he told me he couldn’t give it to me


This happened to me as well. I called Fedex and very politely complained. The Fedex driver came back and explained that he couldn’t drop off because the package arrived before it technically cleared customs. His office then did a manual override and I got it!


im currently seeing if i can get through to my local office to try and get it picked up today


Found a tip on reddit for that one because their auto-attendant is the worst. If you call the 1-800 number and then say “Main Menu” and then “Returning a call” you will get directly through to a person.


oh my god you absolute legend, thank you!!

i’ve been fighting this stupid thing all morning, i despise automated phone menus

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(I’m US East Coast, all times are from that timezone)

Once mine cleared customs in Alaska on Feb 7th(arrived at ~4pm, departed ~8pm), it seems to have almost immediately shipped out to Memphis, TN(their so-called “World Hub” or “superhub” that handles many of the packages that go through their network, mine arrived there at about 2AM Feb 8th), and then from there was shipped to a hub near me. I’m going to be getting it on monday, presumably it would be at my place sooner if it wasn’t a weekend tomorrow.


Mine was due for delivery at 1100a, then got held for customs. By the time i finished speaking to FedEx and walked out for lunch the FedEx truck was here at 12. Apparently like 120 get delivered as a single shipment in alaska and all 120 need to be individually cleared before a single can be released. I was told 20ish were still pending clearance and 30 minutes later mine showed up and the whole thing was cleared.

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mine’s still in progress, i’ve spoken to fedex and they’re escalating it for me, so hopefully i’ll get it redelivered today


Framework’s tracking link tells me I’ll get it Monday, even though it’s on the truck for delivery. FedEx directly tells me it’ll be there today. I wonder if I’m about to experience this same rigamarole…


if you do, let me know how far the driver made it before they realized you lost laptop privileges


So far mine still says that it’s clearing customs, not out for delivery, so I’m not expecting it today, but we’ll see if I get some false hope today or not :laughing:

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im going to be in town so im seeing if i can just pick it up myself, since i have an appointment tomorrow and won’t be at home

also i love your pfp