FW16 Batch 1 Guild

The factory that handles those does not open until the 19th.


Are the Linux International keyboards shipping yet? I haven’t seen any reports of that particular part shipping yet.


I think, you will get the laptop soon, I am from Batch 7, I wait one day and reach to batch 7. As soon as order opened, when I am doing preorder, it does not go through first day. So I tried next day and I reach to batch 7 :smiley:

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I wonder how much of Batch 1 is left, considering they are starting on Batch 2 already.
It’s a little frustrating mine hasn’t been charged yet. I have the clear RGB keyboard, no macro pad.


Batch 2 is scheduled to start shipping as early as Saturday. Hopefully they’ll have non-macropad Batch 1 orders cleared out around that date. Unfortunately, Framework’s shipping updates only cover the manufacturing side of things so there’s little information available on what’s going on in the actual order fulfillment pipeline (other than major holiday closures and vague batchwide updates).


Considering how many batch 1 orders (mine included) have yet to get billed when I have no parts on it whatsoever that are delayed, I HIGHLY doubt mine will happen this week. Given all of the delays we’ve been put through and the lack of communication back to me on why I still haven’t been charged after their lunar vacation, my confidence in them is at an all-time low. And to see the batch 2 preparation emails go out really was a low blow. Regardless of it only means they are getting prepared; it was still a massive slap in the face. Absolute lack of optics, lack of traction on anything for these outstanding batch 1 orders.

I hope Framework learns from this launch and does future products much better. This has been delayed way too long. I definitely won’t be buying a product of theirs again at launch.


Oh come on. No need to be so negative about it. I do understand your frustration as I’m also waiting to get charged. But no need to say you will never buy another product from them. I feel they have been plenty forthcoming about the issues and I am just happy they are resolving them before shipping it out.
It IS still the 14th in Taiwan. We were told they would start again on the 15th.


If I was as negative as you claim, I would have cancelled and took my business elsewhere. I haven’t because I believe in their vision but that doesn’t mean I’m just going to sit down and accept it.

We were told Q4 originally. Things happened, it got delayed. But it just keeps happening on delays. If there are parts on my order, such as the modules, that are now delaying this then I’d appreciate a follow up and maybe work it out to send the laptop NOW and get those LATER.

And, for the record, it is afternoon on the 15th in Taiwan as of writing.


The rest of us batch 1ers are getting fussy. It may be wishful thinking, but I think tomorrow may bring some good news for most of us poor souls.

I’ve been trying to remind myself that it’s just a laptop and a couple of days after it arrives, the fixation will die down and it’ll just be another computer.

Fingers crossed that tomorrow’s the day! Solidarity, friends.


yes, and they have been getting more orders going. they just said they’d resume shipping and production on the fifteenth, not that they’d have everything out by close of business on the fifteenth. give it a little more time


I have similar feelings. I think Framework needs to work on expectation management and customer facing communications. My lived experience is best summarized as:

  • July - October: No updates sent directly to customers. (I wasn’t following too closely here because my delivery date read “Q4”)

  • November: First email update newsletters. “We have encountered some issues that might delay things but are trying our best to make our mid-December shipping target.”

  • Early December: “We’re working through the final validation run but might get delayed a few days by end-of-year inventory shutdowns. We might be able to start production in a few weeks if things work out.”

  • Late December: “We’re still working through some issues and the end-of-year inventory shutdowns. We expect to start production in early January if things go as planned.”

  • Early January: “We have had more delays due to heatsink issues but we are expecting to start manufacturing around 22 January. Batch 1 manufacturing should be complete by the end of January.”

  • Late January: “We’re manufacturing the first batch. Oh, by the way, a bunch of input modules are unavailable until early February which may delay your order and the RGB macropad might take a few weeks to arrive due to manufacturing issues. Also: It may take up to 30 days to ship this batch because of the parts issues, a one week Lunar New Year holiday in the middle of the fulfillment window, and the macropad manufacturing delays.”

  • Early February (Now): “We’re shipping Batch 1 and starting on Batch 2 after the Lunar New Year holiday concludes. RGB macropad will start shipping in late February after the factory opens again.”

Overall, it has been a fairly rough ride and the continual pattern of “optimistic production estimate followed by yet another delay” has been very frustrating. I also found the update newsletters hard to read because they were more focused on explaining various technical issues instead of (re)setting expectations. I guess the morale of my story is that I shouldn’t pre-order this type of thing if I am expecting it to arrive in its promised time frame.


Thank you for the excellent breakdown. I could not have done it better honestly. And it really puts it into perspective. Its harsh but I’ve told others this has been fumbled and have been blown off, told to be patient, etc. The reality is it absolutely has been and I’m tired of being gaslight into thinking otherwise. I hope we see meaningful changes in the company from this experience. A real opportunity to grow from this and prevent more disgruntled customers.

I also agree on the optimistic estimates and why those are bad. Communication to me is important no matter how bad it makes them look. In my career as a project manager, I have to come up with timelines and estimates. It is incredibly important to manage expectations with clients by not underbilling and overpromising. And they definitely overpromised when we would get this.


Totally agree with the over-optimistic timelines causing big trust issues.

I tell myself that at least it’s not as bad as the gap between promises and reality as with some other boutique manufacturers. I remember waiting for a product to be finished in development for over half a year, when the original shipping was 3-6 weeks out. A promise-to-reality ratio of about 6. I ended up cancelling there as I basically lost trust in them.

Here it’s a little better, original timeline was 3-5 months, reality is closer to 8. So the promise-to-reality ratio is only about 2, and they have been much better at expectation management, but… yeah… neither is something that really makes me truly feel like a valued customer.


So i can understand your frustration, i’ve nothing heard about rescheduling the fellow batches, but regarding to other companies where you’re getting less updates, if you get some.

@Zidane Perhaps try to reach out customer support.

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Mine has shipped, batch 1

UK, British keyboard.

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Shipping confirmation sent overnight for me, looks like it could arrive Monday. Hoping the rest of you get your notifications shortly.


At this point I thought I was the only one in Batch 1 that had a none issue part in the build. Its kind of reassuring if a weird way to know I’m not alone.

I have reached out to support before about the shipping time and just get a canned response. Don’t get me wrong it’s nice to get a response and not just an automated e-mail. Still sad that to see no charge yet.

I just hope to have it in hand before I have to travel next month.


I never trust a time line. When I made my order for my batch 13 FW16 it said Q2. My first assumption is I’ll be getting it around July. If I’m lucky I’ll get it sooner but I won’t hold my breath. I’ve seen time and time again that time lines just don’t pan out. They’re really rough estimates at best. An easy example is in the video game industry. Pretty much all big releases have been delayed. I work in construction and like 2 weeks ago I was working with a younger guy who was stressing about the deadline we were given. I told him not to stress because we weren’t going to make it anyway. It just wasn’t going to happen. Then of course there ended up being several things that prevented us from getting it done that were out of our control. It got done eventually but there was no way we were making that time line. I’ve seen it happen every time. That’s how I see it with pretty much everything. It’s going to be delayed. Period. End of story. Now I don’t mean to sound callous, but it’s kind of my way of setting, or rather correcting, expectations. I totally get how frustrating it can be to be waiting on something that should have happened by now.

I know what I’ve said doesn’t change the situation but I’m hoping it’ll help manage expectations for the next thing you’re waiting for. Also, you’re justified in your anger/frustration. I think companies need to do a better job at setting reasonable expectations and adjusting accordingly when things don’t work out.


Yeah to be honest it’s more of seeing a sibling get there present on a holiday before you more than anything at this point. It’s that want for a new thing. I’m luck enough to not be in the camp of some that need it due to failing/failed hardware, more in the want a new device/upgrade time.

I was an early Kickstarter backer, so it’s not a first for pushed launch windows. Shoot at least I will be getting the item I ordered!

Compared to other new hardware launches I’ve bought into, the updates have been consistent and open with issues. Really is a nice change from having to track down higher ups on other platforms to get info on what is happening/if things are still moving forward.


Still no news for me yet, either, and I don’t have parts that Framework has said are problematic or backlogged.

Kind of a bummer to see the Batch 2 email go out and I’m like “wait, where’s mine from batch 1?” Not that my place in line as batch one makes me special, it’s not, but seeing others get theirs and no updates for me is kind of disappointing.

Maybe Friday?