FW16 Batch 1 Guild

I think it’s important to remember that the email that batch 2 got was the, “Make sure your credit card information is up to date to get potentially charged in the next 3 days” variety. It’s not like batch 2 is getting built before batch 1 (just some overlapping pallets), with the exception of orders with the RGB macropad.

If that email didn’t go out before the end of (non-delayed) batch 1 orders, they would have a pause in production.

I’m still waiting on my batch 1 charge, but I’m just working off the assumption that I’m on the tail end of batch 1. Still checking charges on my credit card several times per day, though!


I still remember having to reload the website over and over because it was so overloaded that it would not work at all to order. Finally getting my order submitted into batch 1. It was crazy…but now just waiting for them to ship mine :smiley:


the email for batch 1 went out a while ago. if you never got it, that might indicate a spam blocking issue

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I have received all the updates emails, all the communication from support, I’m batch 1 and I received an email yesterday evening saying that my credit card was refused. I did the payment this morning and I ask the support if I will receive the shipment email they answer yes but I doubt because I never received the preparation email.


Their credit card update page is useless as well. No way to even see if it already has the correct expiration date on it. So you have to update it whether it was already good or not just to make sure.


Similar boat here. DIY 7940/7700s with a basic keyboard and no SSDs/memory. Batch 1, uncharged.

I’ve heard rumblings that there may actually be overlap between batches, so batch 2 machines could ship before the rest of us get our batch 1s.

If that comes to pass, lord beer us strength.


I did get the batch 1 email back in January, so that’s not the issue. I just haven’t had my card charged or received any shipping notices yet.

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I wished FW had just sent the Laptops without the missing macropads. And send the maxropads later. Especially if there are other spacers in your order. And even if not, just put some black “we are sorry” spacers in the first shipment. It’s just the first batch. How much harm could it have done. I mean originally the Laptops were promised to be sent in Q4.


I got the RGB Macro Pad so it may still take a little bit. But I am in batch 1, I just kept trying and trying until it finally went through. My email said a different batch initially but then the site updated like the next day with the correct batch (I was one that didn’t get the email for a day or two)


How many crying babies in this batch … I’m impressed ! :baby:

Do you realize that you’re in the first line of about 6 monthes full of deliveries ? 17+ batches !!!

Just relax, it’s around the corner (for you) !


I’m not denying I’m a crying baby. I refreshed the page like a mad-man to get my order in batch 1, it was a lot of work! Darn right I want it as early as possible! All you other batchers didn’t try as hard as us batch 1s did. :stuck_out_tongue:


I wonder if the units shipped yesterday will have the fix for the keyboard deck flex?


Got an authorization on my card! Should see a shipping notice tomorrow, from what I’ve gathered.


Not true… Just that by the time that the page finally loaded I was in batch 2. :sob:


The impression I am getting from a lot of comments is people don’t have experience of product design and production. Perhaps FW started taking orders for the FL16 a bit too early, but I don’t think so. Having been involved with product development and testing for some 30 years I’ve seen this very scenario happen many times. It is just that FW have been open about the delays and you have reasons available for why it has been running late. Most companies just let you order and hang on for months.


I certainly hope so… I skipped out on part of a SharePoint class to cram my order through the overloaded system. For the record, I received the announcement at 09:36 AM Central Time (07:36 AM Pacific Time) and I pre-ordered 63 minutes later at 10:39 AM Central Time (08:39 AM Pacific Time).


I believe the correct quote is ‘Lord give me strength’ …

But there will be overlap between batches. At certain times the FL13 AMD had four batches shipping simultaneously. There always has been overlap between batches.

There does appear to be some consolidation where small quantities from consecutive batches to one area get shipped together (sensible if they are airfreighting pallet loads to locations).

There is also seems to be some grouping according to exactly which expansion modules they have in stock. Stocks of individual modules must go up and down at the factory as input module batches are manufactured and passed over to the final assembly line.


Just received the notice that my credit card has been charged for my batch 1 Framework 16.

How long after that do they send out the tracking information?


Just got a charge on my card :slight_smile:


I think it usually shows up by the next morning, if you’re in the US.