FW16 Batch 1 Guild

Yes, sadly, I did swap out for US - English, and as soon as the option is presented I will be ordering the clear rgb!


I’m also seeing Thursday on the package tracking app I use, although in my Experience stuff going through Memphis, TN, USA usually arrives a day early unless something slows it down.

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Still no email here, hoping that it comes through today


Mine is showing that it’s running late in Taiwan.

We will see!


Story time:

With no communication, they attempted to charge me last night after business hours. My bank red flagged it (as expected), and I couldn’t do anything about it until this morning. They don’t have phone support, so I can’t ask them to try and charge it again. So now I have to wait for them to respond to my email, which usually takes days. I will have to call the bank again if they don’t charge it today. This will end in an infinite loop of fail.

Any suggestions? Any actually employees come in here that could help?

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My charge got blocked initially as well. I was able to go into my order page and update the details and complete the order. Might try that, otherwise I believe they try again the next day.


Shipping notice! Arrives Thursday!


UPDATE: I might be the last of us, but I finally got a confirmation!

Your order will now be transmitted to our 3rd Party Logistics Partner for packing and fulfillment.
Framework Support


Not the last. I decided to stand pat with the clear ANSI RGB keyboard, so am waiting for that. The macropad may be in stock by then, too, but if not, it will be sent along later. Living vicariously through the rest of you all for now. Looking forward to gnashing of teeth and rending of garments getting the system and os configured. All due to personal issues on my side, mind you.

Have a good day!


I am also waiting on my Linux keyboard edition to show up (hopefully) sometime next week. Framework Support says I’m at the top of the list to ship out when the keyboard arrives so I’m hoping for an “early” next week shipment.

Good luck everyone!


You’re definitely not the last.

I ordered the RGB Clear ANSI keyboard and macropad and I’m sticking with it. Pretty sure that means I’ll be the last.


We can have a race. Winner buys virtual drinks, because they will have received their machine first and it’s the least they can do for the poor loser. Ha. What say you?


You’re on!


Haha, deal!


Pretty sure they told everyone that. I’m also on the top of the list :smiley:

I took it to mean us batch 1 people will be shipped before others once the keyboard comes in. And I’m fine with that.


emphasis mine … :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:


Also waiting for my International English - Linux keyboard :slight_smile: So count me in on the virtual beer challenge :smiley:

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I thought I’d be one of the first to get the laptop, given I’d ordered the most basic config and all parts were in stock. I think I ordered within seven minutes of pre-orders going live.

I was wrong; it got shipped the day production resumed after the Lunar holiday, arrived in my city a day early, was out for delivery, then never arrived. FedEx says it’s been delivered.

My guess is the courier handed it to someone walking through my apartment building’s lobby/foyer or left it on the floor (with the mountain of Amazon parcels that arrive twice a day). Anyone can take those parcels, and we’ve had a lot of thefts recently. FedEx never called me, never pressed my intercom buzzer, and none of my neighbors have received it.

FW support were quick to respond, and I don’t know what FedEx will do to rectify the situation, but looks like I’ll be the last in Batch 1 to get my system if this takes more than a week to resolve. I thought it’d get here last October (or if I was really lucky, late September), so I’ve been on the edge of my seat expecting it to arrive any time in the last six months (nine, since pre-orders opened).

Glad to hear everyone’s been mostly happy with their laptops though, and I suppose the upside to not getting mine yet is that bugs will have been identified and resolved, so I should have a smoother setup :slight_smile:


My laptop just hit a sort facility about an hour north of me


I still have no shipping notification but they took my money a couple days ago