FW16 Batch 1 Guild

@Paul_Combe and @Cameron_Bosch so it looks like the email was sent and nothing was actually ready to send. That is disappointing as well. I thought they were doing great and finally being somewhat more transparent but that didn’t work out it seems. I hope to get the email today.

Yes, it definitely alters the feel. No keyboard enthusiast would entertain this idea. Honestly, I was just thinking - I’d like there to be other options where the keyboard and trackpad go. Maybe touch screen? I will use the trackpad and keyboard exactly 0 times.

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When the initial email for the macro pad and keyboards was sent out, I replied letting them know I wanted to swap keyboards. I also asked if they could ship the clear keyboard once it came in stock. Support stated they could not, I will just order it later.

But he did also say this after we confirmed that I wanted to swap out keyboards:

We’ve made the requested modifications to your order and have just sent you an order confirmation email that now reflects the changes made. Please review the order confirmation email and let us know if anything does not look correct. If everything is correct, there’s no need to respond to let us know.

We’ll capture final payment on your order next week and ship your order out to you quickly. Once the RGB Macropads arrive into inventory, you have already been prioritized to receive one of the first.

Thanks for your support and understanding through what we know has been a terrible customer experience.

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If I got the clear ANSI RGB keyboard then I may be tempted to get them. Mainly because I never remember all the symbols and I find it often that I have to type one that I am not used to.

Probably, but I have no frame of reference anyway as I don’t have the laptop yet. So whatever “feel” is meaningless to me.

If Framework had made an proper Linux keyboard then these would not be needed.


That is my issue, the email that was sent to me made it sound like they were ready to take payment.

Ther’s no action required on your part. Once we’ve successfully captured the final payment on your order, you will receive confirmation via email that includes all items configured for your orderincluding the RGB Macropad. Once your order ships, you’ll receive another email containing the courier tracking information. When the RGB macropads are ready for shipment, as you’ve already paid for the module, the next email you will receive will contain the tracking information for this second shipment. We expect the RGB Macropads to arrive at our 3PLs within the coming weeks.

This, to me, shows that they just need to take funds, but in reality, it looks like they are sourcing the laptops as we speak.

Just got an email from Support saying that they communicated an option of how to unblock my order last week (the mass email about the RGB Macropad that states no action was needed) and that they will take payment this week and ship it out. Not sure why the email last week couldn’t have just said something like “Starting next week, we will start taking payment. Please make sure your card on file is still good” instead of getting people’s hopes up and making it look like they were taking payment already.


Im curious too

I have been charged!


Support got back to me, to verify if I will wait. Which I will.

Let’s hope it stays for this.

Support is quick, already send a confirmation.

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Support got back to me as well. I decided to just wait as they can’t let me buy the keyboard once it does get in stock. Hopefully the March 4th estimate is correct.

Hello everyone,

first of all I would like to apologize for my possibly strange expression, English is not my mother tongue and I am using one of the widely used translation engines here. I will reread the text, but I may still have slipped in some wrong phrases.

I can certainly understand that there are some people who are not exactly enthusiastic about the ordering and delivery process. Nevertheless, I would like to ask you to show respect for the idea of Framework and all the employees. I have the impression that some of those affected take the delays and problems, which I think are inevitable with a completely new product, too personally. I also work in a company with about 50 employees, which mainly sells electronic products. I know the feeling when you have tried to realize a new idea and something doesn’t work out the way you had imagined. You don’t just go home in the evening after work and say to yourself, “well, the main thing is that the customers have paid”. I can’t imagine that Framework employees don’t care that there are problems that they simply didn’t see at the beginning. Just give them the opportunity to make the attempt, to get everything on the right track. Maybe I’m lucky because buying a Framework laptop is not a critical financial investment for me, I can afford it without getting into serious trouble. Nevertheless, in my opinion, when pre-ordering a device from such a small, new company, you should be aware that there may be stumbling blocks. However, I am very confident that Framework has the ability to meet all these requirements. As a hardware developer myself, I am simply impressed by the professionalism with which the laptops have been developed. I would go so far as to say that I would not have been able to accomplish this task with my development group. So, please just remember that the Framework team certainly has the goal of bringing a nice product to the market and that they are just people who don’t take things lightly. Thank you.


Most of the people that I see have been sad about the communication. During the dev blogs, they were very detailed and let people know what was still in progress and why it was taking longer. Since the shipping, though, it has not been so up-front and forthcoming about the delays. Most people were tracking the Macropads but not the other keyboards that were out of stock. When they did send out an email to expedite those with a Macropad it made it look like (although not stated directly) they were starting to take payment immediately. I can’t speak for everyone else here but I figured being manufacturing that they are probably staffing over weekends and when there was no charge, Friday, Sat, or Sunday I got worried that my order was lost and not set aside or something.

I think a lot are upset that the keyboard they want is also out of stock which is what is stopping their order and it sounds like Framework won’t allow them to add a new keyboard without losing the one they want, meaning that even though they have waited for they either need to lose the keyboard they want to get in order to get the laptop which means they can’t purchase the keyboard until it is in stock on the marketplace after every round of preorder is done, or wait an extended period of time to get their laptop with little communication as to the timeline for when each keyboard is expected to be in stock.


I may have read it somewhere other than the email, but there was a statement released that due to the influx of support requests, they were delaying charging/shipping for those orders until they had a change to tackle the support requests to ensure no one was passed over even though they were willing to alter their order to get their FW16 sooner.

EDIT: I first saw it in this thread apparently: FW16 Batch 1 Guild - #710 by Arazil

We will resume review and modifications first thing Monday morning. Rest assured that this will not cause additional delays and we will not start processing payments on in-stock modified Batch 1 orders until we’ve completed the review of all remaining tickets.

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Good News, Everyone, Framework charged my card. I didn’t get an email or anything from them that they did, but I saw someone on Reddit say they were charged so I took a look and the charge is there on my card.

Also, my cancel order button is now grayed out and remaining balance says 0.00!



Also got charged, no email yet (not even from my card company who usually does with large purchases)

EDIT: I got excited and txted my wife (I’m working late on a software project) and she unenthusiastically notified me that it happened ~4 hours ago. Check your accounts! :partying_face:


That is when the Reddit post was from that I saw. Good Luck on your project, def been in your shoes!


Ultimately, I think the lesson to learn here is “expectations management is paramount to a successful product launch.” It’s a lesson that I learned years ago. I watched the launch of “Vanguard: Saga of Heroes” tank due to some exceptionally bad expectation management practices that lead to lots of misled and disappointed fans. That’s why I now get a bit anxious when I see another well meaning project experience the same expectation management issues. It’s an experience that I don’t want to live through again.


My order has shipped and will be here Thursday!


Glad you didn’t!
Which keyboard did you choose? You must’ve swapped for an in-stock one, if it’s already shipped, right?