FW16 Batch 1 Guild

Well, Mine is still saying it will deliver tomorrow, but it was loaded on a truck for delivery this morning per the tracking details.

EDIT: Tracking is behind, my wife just texted me that it’s at our house.


That’s hype! Do tell about the setup and experience. :grin:

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I intend to video the entire process including memory training and harvesting one of the SSD’s from my ServalWS. But it will probably be close to 10PM before I make it home so I may just go to bed and do it tomorrow :frowning:


being rested before you bring such a beast to life makes sense to me.


Hey, alright, my FW16 just got delivered. And signed for. By me. I’m not home.

Luckily my wife found it left at our door when she was leaving for work, but dang, FedEx, not a good move.


Mine was also signed for by me…but my wife was the one who received it. Joys of Fed Ex…


holy crap that’s messed up. you should probably submit something to fw so they can know fedex isn’t doing their job right (since they don’t always see posts in these threads)

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Fedex has been doing that for years. I apparently always sign for my packages but have never talked to a driver. Their signatures mean nothing.


I just got the laptop. I’m currently having an issue with getting the system to boot properly from both a Fedora 39 Workstation USB (it’s very sluggish) and an Arch USB (won’t actually boot).

Edit: Secure boot was a pain to find, but i finally got it disabled. Now setting up my distro.


I’ve got one better. They say “I signed” for it when they didn’t even ring the doorbell (I was home); they just left it.

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At least they delivered it (and it wasn’t stolen). I once chased a UPS driver to his truck and then down the road on his third “attempt” at delivery. Each time they kept saying no one was there to receive the package. I still had to call up the local office to get my package because he wouldn’t stop the truck.


You can install Arch with SecureBoot enabled. You will find the work-around in these links:


Logistics is not looking into my order since I was charged but never received the shipping email. So hopefully its not lost inside the factory lol

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Someone earlier had to look for frame.work instead of framework to find it in their email and it had ended up in a spam folder. Hope that helps.

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I will check my spam folder to be safe, but support said that they forwarded it to logistics so I am assuming that in their system it is not showing as shipped either and my order online just shows that it was paid and no mention of it being shipped yet (not that I know that it works that way yet).

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I’m in the same boat. I was going to wait until tomorrow before sending an email since I figured it could be up to three business days before it would be shipped out.

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Mine was signed for by someone named Kathy.

My name is not Kathy. My family member that signed for it is not Kathy. The deliver driver had a beard (I’m not saying that someone with a beard can’t be named Kathy, but it seems unlikely IMO). I don’t even know anyone named Kathy.


Whoot, I have tracking now and it has been shipped. Can’t wait to put it together!


Got my laptop yesterday!
Got into an accident, going to get it _-_

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you ok I hope? Also, I hope the laptop wasn’t with you yet when you got in the accident.

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