FW16 Batch 1 Guild

Mine shipped this morning too!


Had to assemble before work this morning, so the video will need to be stitched together and moderated for sensitive topics in background audio before I can post it somewhere, but:

Overall issues we’ve heard about:

  • Screen Flex - I asked 4 other people in our office to be sure I wasn’t missing it, and no one noticed any flex that was unreasonable. Between the workstations and gaming laptops we had on hand (tech company full of gamers so we had a good set) the flex was less than average.
  • Keyboard - Keyboard is TERRIBLE compared to my Keychron with mechanical switchs…but compared to the other laptops here, again it’s better than average if not the best (subjective based on feel). There is no noticeable flex.
  • Input Module Spacers - Easy to install when installed correctly. No alignment issues. They are visible, but not more noticable than the sticker next to my MSI touchpad on my work laptop.
  • Memory Training - I setup a timer expecting a 20+min training but after 15 seconds it was trying to fully boot from an ancient windows installation on the SSD I harvested. I used a GSKILL 64GB kit. No idea if this had any impact.
  • Speakers - They’re ok. Not too loud, a little muddy on the bass compared to what I like, but overall great for a laptop. If I wanted crisp sounds, I’d use my headphones and if I’m needing more volume I have an external set of speakers that are nice and loud with decent sound. I think I could game with these if I had to and be satisfied. The sound seems to resonate through the boy of the laptop so actively typing on it has an interesting affect on the sound quality.
    EDIT: I added the speakers section after getting a chance to try them out

All is well, minor damage to the car. Thankfully the laptop was still at home on the stoop.


Put mine together. Memory training time for a Framework 64 GB kit was much quicker than expected, about 20 seconds. No noticeable keyboard flex, for my tastes at least. The touchpad-side input spacers have hairline gaps, but overall I’m surprised at how solid and sturdy the laptop feels, including the screen. It’s not Apple levels of fitment, but it sure beats, say, a cybertruck.

Now I have no excuse to put it off any more: I gotta strip down and clean my FW13 so it’s fit for someone else to use.


Just found out that mine was signed for by ‘S.S’, not my initials nor my neighbor’s. I think the driver must’ve signed for it themself and left it at the entrance to my apartment block. No cameras, so someone probably walked off with it :person_shrugging:t2:
FW support can’t do much until FedEx “investigates”, which someone online said could take upwards of four weeks!
We might be seeing batch six by then…


Received an e-mail about an hour ago with a link to complete my payment \o/

Immediately paused FFVII Rebirth and paid :wink:

So, Intl. English keyboard is finally in stock
the regular one at least…


My ISO wouldn’t even boot, even after flashing it FOUR times and redownloading and checking the sha512sum after the second failure.

And even Fedora’s GRUB screen was notably sluggish and flaky with it enabled. And that’s an offically supported distro! (Unfortunately, I didn’t load the kernel, but I will if I have to test something with Framework support on a “supported” distro.)


Same here, mine took less than a minute with the included (with my purchase) 2 32 GB DDR5 SO-DIMM sticks.

The only thing that my order is currently missing as of today is the RGB Macropad (thank goodness I also ordered the standard NumPad); I still have the US RGB keyboard which came with my order.


Yes!!! Also have been changed :tada::tada::tada:

Not yet an email. Happy that the charge happend without problems.

Ryzen 7 + 7700S
Own memory + storage
Keyboard Int English+ Numpad
Orange bezel


Are all us blank rgb keyboards still high and dry?

Damn, that sucks. Good luck!


Yup. Nothing here.

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The day is still young (6 AM) in Taipei so there’s a decent chance that other backordered items will ship sometime later today. There were only 30 International English keyboards on the Batch 1 order so it’s probable that other backordered items will be added throughout the day. Good luck!


Got my laptop yesterday! So excited to get it up and running today/tomorrow as time allows.

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Looks like you need all those umbrellas, someone is trying hard to rain on your parade … :sob:


And shipping notification has been send to me.
Curious how long it takes from Taiwan to the Netherlands

Please report that. I am in France … and in “movement” so if I know, I can prepare :slight_smile:

It took 3 days from Taiwan to UK for me. The tracking app said it was still in Paris when they delivered it to me, so the tracking data might be out of sync.


I’ve been loving my laptop so far. Everything everyone was complaining about at launch has been a non-issue to me. My laptop feels and looks great, and only one, possibly two minor issues with my laptop making weird sounds. But Framework support has been great and are RMA’ing the whole laptop so they can investigate the issues. Hopefully improving laptops for later batches.

But no complaints from me, as far as I see it, I volunteered myself to be an early adopter guineapig.

My first issue comes from high-pitched noise when the fan spins up to full blast. Support has attributed this to an out-of-spec fan bearing. I measured it with a sound spectrum analyzer to be from 2k to 4k Hz depending on fan speed. And is very noticeable. Almost embarrassing when at the hacker space in a group of people :slight_smile:

The second issue just manifested itself recently, and I’m not sure if it stems from the issue above, or capacitor noise. When I’m in the internet browser and smooth scroll, I hear a buzzing sound. But only when the page is moving. I’m guessing it comes from high frequency power usage changes. But the weird thing is that it disappears when I lift the laptops weight off the dGPU’s rubber foot in the back.


That second issue could just be a physical NVH thing where they needed some more margin by the foot, where it’s now pressing the chassis against a power component so the electrical noise transfers to the chassis and is now audible.