FW16 Batch 1 Guild

If you are like me and struggle with the num row (I use it exclusively and I’m still off by 1 quite often), you might appreciate an additional layer on the keyboard that has a numpad around the homerow.

That’s what I’m looking forward to with the Laptop 16, customizing the keyboard firmware is gonna be huge. The best is that the layers will just work everywhere, since the OS has no clue what kind of shenanigans you’re up to with your keys :​D

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You trolling? Order shipped already?

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Accidental troll, got an email from frame work say order shipped and got overly excited till I realised it was a replacement USB power cable for my wife’s 13" laptop.


I love how much you Guys are so nervous about the launch !
Ahaha :crazy_face:

It remembers me the feelings when I was on batch 1 for the FW13 AMD.
Still, I’m patiently waiting for my Batch 6 FW16 …

I wish all of you a lot of fun with the new coming toy :wink:


You have no idea… :smiley:
UPDATED: Especially since I have the disks and RAM sitting on my desk just in front of me, and I always see it!!! Every mail delivery hurts! :rofl:


Almost same here - 64GB RAM just sitting around, the 4TB SSD is currently in the budget laptop I bought from a friend to bridge the gap (good decision for sure).

Hoping I’ll get my B5 shipment somewhere in the first two weeks of March.

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I wish I was a Batch 1 Guinea pig. Now, I am sitting in the shadow as a sad Batch 14er. :smiley: Can’t wait for your feedbacks guys.


My CC has a pending charge as of today. YMMV.


Darn, mine doesn’t… Curse you, blank RGB keyboard!


Same here. no pending charge … :} And in France, we tend to have debit cards…
Money is in the account though!


Are you near Paris by any chance ? :pray:
I would really like to get my hand on a real device before I get mine (6th batch).
I’m still wavering if I still buy it or not…

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So high chance KF556S40IBK2-64 will also be okay we think?

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Yep. Clermont de l’Oise (60600). But I don’t have it yet :wink: Contact me by pm for eventual details.

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Still waiting over here.

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My shipment is currently at customs in Alaska, scheduled for Monday delivery.


Thats awesome!!!

That’s fast! Gives me hope of actually getting mine next week if it ships early enough :slight_smile:


A Framework 16? You have tracking info?

They’ve charged my card but not yet provided any tracking info.

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Yes, received an automated email from Fedex that a package was en route to me, then a few hours later, FW sent an official email with subject line

“Your order has shipped #[order number]”


I hate youam so jealous of you. On the other hand, you’ll discover all the quirks and things. On the gripping hand, I’d rather have one in my hands a lot sooner.


RGB Keyboard holding me back :frowning_face: