FW16 Batch 10 Guild

Thank you! I am so excited it arrived in time!


Plane arch here

Same, it’s been a life-changer in terms of software availability and customization.

Does this mean they tried to send it to my billing address instead of my shipping address? Its in the city of my billing address but im about 100 miles away for college and had my apartment as my shipping address.

I have the feeling either FedEx is trying to fool me, or their tracking system is total crap.
Regarding to tracking, my packet is back to china, again.

Route so far:
Germany (200km/125mi away from destination)

destination would be Germany

Yup, I’m in the same boat - back in China…
Destination Belgium

Mine is also showing up in China. Destination is Belgium as well. I’m hoping / guessing this is just an issue with the FedEx tracker. However, since it’s the weekend I guess it will be stuck until Sunday night. Still hoping for a Monday delivery :grimacing:.

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Must be an error with FedEx tracking.
FedEx would earn no money if they would ship a paket serval times between asia and europe.

I guess you can just ignore all entrys that would be some sort of flying back to where it came from.

Confusing, frustrating.

Maybe these are messages from customs controls to each other? However, the information about framework shipment tracking and fedex shipment tracking are the same. Has anyone checked Guild 9 to see if there was something like that there? My delivery date remains Tuesday, that would be fine with me (Germany).

Is there a Region in Belgium called China:-)

other options:

-red traffic light in the sky over Cologne (the traffic light is to blame)

-Framework recall

Sorry, I’m bored right now


We do have a China-town in Antwerp :sweat_smile:

If tracking would be true, my framework would have flown 4 times over my head, right now

I live verry close to a german university with a verry high percentage of chinese students

We have a Street that is called “England” (Nordstrand) and another one called “Kotzenbüll” (Eiderstedt) :slight_smile:

I was talking about your tracking logs in the batch 13 thread with Jan van Humbeek and I think, the additional positions may indeed be informations being sent between different hubs and customs.

or is this the message from the empty container on the way back?

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I’ve heard from others that it could be something related to digital customs clearance, don’t quite remember where specifically it was said though, nor can confirm that this is the case here.

I don’t think so, nobody cares about the empty containers :laughing:

What I would have thought, that the package might have been damaged while being handled, so it got sent back. But if you look closely, the entries appear before the packets are leaving a place.

Talk about sustainable and ecofriendly shipping XD – most likely problem on the software side of fedex ig?

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