FW16 Batch 10 Guild

At least your package shows some movement today, mine has been sitting in Alaska going on 4 days now without any movement… And I’m starting to think I’m not going to get it Monday either at this rate lol.

This is mine (EU Germany)

After a romantic night in the city of Love, he is finally back in germany. Fingers crossed that he will come Monday


could it be that the confusion arises due to the uncorrected time zones? You can certainly recreate this or try it out, but it’s too time-consuming for me.

I still have to create the c’t-WIMage stick, back up data etc. and I still have to work on all sorts of things here at home until Tuesday (says my wife :slight_smile: ), because then I’ll be busy for days… :zzz: if FW16 is on time

On the FedEx site you can easily specify how you want the times displayed. I’ve chosen Local Scan Time. Other options are Origin, Destination, or Others, which is your choice of world time zones.

I think my FW is stuck in customs. What should I do?

nothing. just wait.
its weekend, so customs will take some time.
Framework should have done everything that is necessary, so you can lean back.

A friend of me was on batch 4.
He did report to me that there was nothing to do with customs for him. Framework did take care of everything prior.


Same situation here (screenshot with local times)

I had that happen to me here in the US. All I did is wait, and it eventually got cleared after a ~3 day delay.

I have to watch my package carefully, last time I used Fedex there was a package from the US going through Paris. Once cleared (my package left there a bit after midnight), the package arrived next day at noon.

FedEx is strange! They took my laptop for a 24 hour sightseeing trip to Guangzhou in China from Angeles in the Philippines before returning to Angeles and then on to Singapore, from where I hope it heads towards me in Australia.

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So it arrived about to the local center in Belgium just after midnight. It’s like 30km away, I should just be able to go and pick it up instead of waiting for delivery TOMORROW! :sweat_smile:

My FW16 has arrived.

Fedex did not update the website, yet. Arrival Time was 8:05 (am), Timezone is Europe/Berlin


Mine was scheduled for delivery tomorrow but it looks like it’ll be delivered today. Yiippeeeee!

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Mine is still stuck in customs like @cawa and @Anthony_Van_de_Gejuc :sob:

I have just finished putting it together in a break at my workplace. Looks everything works fine.

But the linux (NixOS) setup-USB stick i did create this morning before leaving the house does not boot. I guess i’ll have to try another iso-burner tool or another usb-stick in the afternoon.

Soooo excited.

I recommend Ventoy for creating bootable USB drives, it’s super handy!

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It arrived!

Laptop started moving again last night. Ended up in a distribution hub that’s agonizingly close to me. Randomly started moving again which made me worried it may not arrive today after all. Luckily, it was on a delivery vehicle and in my hands soon after :smile:.

Here’s the full history (delivery not shown yet, but it was around 10):

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I got pretty lucky. Was due wednesday, arrived today.
Here’s hoping everyone else ends up that fortunate.