FW16 Batch 10 Guild

Once we embrace the facts, things change already…

On the serious note, my package is still scheduled for the 24th while I am very sure it can make it on the 23th (unless the packages still need to be separated?).

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I have it delivered this morning, one day earlier than Fedex had it till last minute. I’m in US, NC
Just had it assembled.
Overall 9/10, I wish there will be less play in spacers and expansion cards, but it’s minor.

Hopefully tomorrow…

Im a little dumb I put the street address as my college apartment but the city as my home city. Emailed support already, hopefully it can be resolved quickly, ive been waiting for this laptop for 8 months now and it being so close yet so far is killing me.

I saw the same instruction and didn’t recall seeing it on mine. The one I got was a pre-assembled model.

Compared to my last fedex package, this package departed Paris very late. Though it also skipped Machelen (which is near Brussels) and went directly to Zulte (where my previous package had it’s last inbetween stop) where it only just arrived.

So let’s hope I get my laptop today.

Mine still says “Running Late - Local Delay”
No update since 17h23 yesterday, hope I’m getting mine today as well but the no update is giving me stress :sweat_smile:


I assume it will be delivered today. Unfortunatly I still have to wait a bit more because the destination is not the place where I currently live. I am happy for everyone that gets there laptop today feel free to share some pictures :star_struck:

It’s nearly 7pm here in Melbourne, Australia, and mine arrived in Sydney at 3:44pm yesterday, was “released” at 8:15 this morning and logged as “At local FedEx facility” in Sydney at 10:03 this morning. It’s a 90 minute flight or 9 hour drive from there to Melbourne FedEx, so in theory it should be straight forward to get it to me tomorrow, but I can’t let myself get confident. The due date is Monday 29th!

Here as well!
It had to go to Nivelles of all places before being out for delivery…
I’m closer to Machelen than Nivelles



Noes, I got a stuck m2 2280 screw. It seems to be a connon issue given the replies on the discord. I also am informing support.

Anyone in north america getting tracking updates? My package has been on departed fedex hub in Memphis for over 24 hours, it’s supposed to arrive before noon today in QC, Canada but I don’t think it’s gonna make it.

I had a backup of the operating system from my Dell XPS 15 9560 with the script from c’t magazin: WIMage. The system can be reinstalled on any hardware with all settings, programs and documents during setup. In my case this is Windows 10. Some manual work is necessary in the device manager because the Framework driver bundle is tailored to Windows 11. Now runs perfectly: device manager is clean and benchmarks as expected. You can save a lot of installation time with WIMage, but you should only do this if the system was previously running smoothly. So it can be used productively again, delivered one day earlier than announced!

I hope you enjoy your frameworks.

Mine is also showing Departed FedEx Hub from Memphis over 24 hours ago, no updates since with a scheduled delivery of this afternoon. I’m in ON, Canada.


Same here, also ON, Canada
Really hoping the tracking is out of date for some reason, since it says its “on time” but there’s only about an hour left until noon :confused:

Guess we’ll all find out by the end of the day. Thanks for the input.

Looks like it updated to “end of day” for me, but still “on time” lol…

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