FW16 Batch 11 Guild

Let’s see how much it takes to arrive to Spain. Hope I can get it by the end of this week!

Got charged today - Paid in full - shipping next :slightly_smiling_face:

I would probably recommend censoring those card numbers, even though it’s not particularly identifiable it’s still sensitive personal information, and is good practice.

same for Italy here

Hopefully they will ship late tonight or tomorrow. :grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:

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It shipped!!!


Shipped :slight_smile:


Shipped too :blush::ok_hand:

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Fedex app says it’s 26th of AprilđŸ˜„

I haven’t received tracking info yet

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Hey, did you check that the payement was okay ?
If yes, i had like two hour of wait since the first one (and it’s 19h22 in taiwan)

Woke up this morning with a shipping E-mail! Should be arriving Thursday!

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Not shipped yet, but payment went through okay, so just a matter of time! Very hype.

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Yep, no e-mail about “action necessary” and order page shows $0 remaining due, and the order cannot be cancelled.
I’m just coping dw about me

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I’m not going to be able to do anything with it until after finals are over, so it’ll be home languishing for two weeks while I sit here. Please enjoy your laptops in my stead.

My finals happen to end the day after my laptop is supposed to arrive, so I’ll get plenty of playtime haha

Anyone else get there package delayed. :grimacing:

Yes. I never got an estimated delivery date either.

Yeah, just checked my tracking and the package is currently delayed (Hope it doesn’t affect shipping too much)