FW16 Batch 14 Guild

Does anyone here know if FedEx does weekend deliveries for International Priority packages?

My package status has once again changed and now FedEx has completely removed the arrival time. Will they attempt to deliver over the weekend or will I have to wait another two days for it to ship the next business day?

I can’t wait for my Framework to arrive but FedEx has just been baiting me. :face_exhaling:


I know with mine the tracking said it was weekday only…

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Delivery is Weekday, but progress through the system should include Weekend. Mine has just been loaded into a flight from France to the UK so should hopefully make its way to my local distribution center tomorrow.

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It says it has arrived at the nearest distribution center, so it seems like I’m going to have to wait another 2 more days for it to ship sadly :sob:.

Lol i was literally sending that to all my friends once I got my tracking info

Im stupid and misremembered someone else sending it here earlier, its hilariously accurate though

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Time to check FedEx Tracking again :laughing:.

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Especially when you’ve got the SSD and RAM shipping at the same time.

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The ram and ssd are already here so it’s even worse :cry: .

I bought the ram the day the prep email was sent and now it’s just sitting there doing nothing cause my package was delayed!

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It’s in the UK :partying_face:

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Mine too ! I’m waiting it for Tuesday, for the south of France

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How can they make it arrive the same day XD. I am 30km away for were the shippement is since friday ! It would be more logical for it to arrive to me earlier than you :thinking:

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This tracking process is anxiety inducing. I can’t stop refreshing! :rofl:

I feel the same! Monday seems like the day


My review now that I’ve had it a couple of days… I know several are still waiting.

I placed it over here: Framework Laptop 16 User Reviews - #284 by Adam_Southerland

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Mine finally gives a delivery day of Tuesday, but I’ll take that with a grain of salt knowing the US shipping companies tend to send most of my Saskatchewan bound packages to Toronto first. The Tuesday date most likely refers to the Toronto customs release.

I live in Saskatchewan which is 3000km away from Toronto. Yet it went from Anchorage,AK to Oakland,CA, then Memphis,TN already and I suspect based on the path it is headed for Toronto,ON as usual which is in the opposite direction of where I live. I’m closer to Oakland, CA, than Toronto, but you would think they would ship through BC since that is much closer and it would already be here tomorrow then. This isn’t surprising to me though. I see it all the time. Very inefficient North American shipping systems.

I once bought the same device as a test. One from overseas and one from the US which was 8000km closer and they both arrived the same day.

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Mine took a very similar path with FedEx, however, mine went from Oakland straight to LAX. I’m expecting a USPS handoff causing the delay.

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Me on Monday the 6th: “Oh! I’ll probably have it in two weeks, or maybe next week if I’m lucky.”

Me on Wednesday: “Tracking says it’ll be here Friday!? WOW!”

Me on Thursday: “Oi, come on customs, get it together!”

Me on Friday: “Oi, come on FedEx, get it together! Ugh. Guess I’m getting it Monday…”

Me on Saturday: “Why the HECK did you send it to California!? You probably could’ve thrown it out the plane and hit my house on the way there!”

Me today: “Still in CA? Am I even gonna get this on Monday?”

Oh, the difference in perspective and expectations a deliver-by date from FedEx made…


Trying not to get my hopes up, but it’s currently sat in the distribution centre less than 5 miles from my house. Maybe I’ll drop by :rofl:.

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IT’S OUT FOR DELIVERY!!! :partying_face: Party time.

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