FW16 Batch 14 Guild

Maybe log into their site to see if there is something holding it up?

I’m going to presume it’s a date order thing, I was end of November when I ordered, but nothing seems to be holding it up:


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Yeah, seeing as the remaining amount is 0 it should be fine.

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Yeah I’ve ordered mine on Nov 24th and it still not shipped if that can reassure you :sweat_smile:


I also ordered on the 22nd. Mine shipped yesterday

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Still waiting for my order to ship :pouting_woman:

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That sucks. Hopefully yours ships soon.

According to my tracking mine has already been to and released from the customs checkpoint in Alaska. I’ll be interested in seeing how quickly it progresses from there.

I just refreshed my FedEx tracking and it now is saying will be delivered by “12PM today”. So the Anchorage custom hold has been lifted and it appears I’ll actually receive it tomorrow (Friday)!

Not sure what to make of the “12PM today”…perhaps based on a different TZ.

All geared up to install a pair of 32GB DDR5-5600 sticks and the recommended WD Black M.2 2280 NVMe SSD (4TB). Bought them all on Amazon two weeks ago.

Just a hair under 6 months since ordering the laptop (11/23). When I ordered it, I assumed a June/July delivery, so to me it’s early!


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this kind of tracking is giving me straight up anxiety


It has arrived!!

Show some pictures, or it didn’t happen :wink:

Yay, just received my tracking!!!


Haha, great :slight_smile: Now a few photos when the laptop is assembled. Happy assembling!

Looks like mine cleared customs in Anchorage last night!

Mine just started shipping this morning! ETA is Wednesday (~6 days) to get to ON, Canada.

Money was just being kept on hold by BMO I think since it was an online purchase.

Mine is in my hometown as of half an hour ago. Tracking still shows it will be delivered Monday, but i have a feeling it’ll come today.

Mine is also set for a Wednesday delivery (UK), but I’ll be out of the Country until Thursday night. :rofl: what a nightmare.

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my package finally made it into the country. luckily I can just work from home if I want to.

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