FW16 Batch 16 Guild

This was posted in Batch 15 Guild today.

Destroya, Framework Team

Hello friends,

If you have a U.S. order that has been waiting for more than 5 days in Anchorage or Memphis, please let us know.

If you are a customer from Australia and have not been charged yet, please do not worry. We are experiencing some delays, and our logistics team is monitoring the situation.

If you are based in any other region and have any issues, please let us know.

same here, mine is stuck in clearance/customs. anyone know how long that usually takes to clear up? I’ve heard in 7 days on reddit. just want to be sure so that I have someone at home to sign if need be.

If you are on the West Coast of the USA, I am pretty sure our lot just cleared customs!

EDIT - by logging into my FedEx account, I was able to pre-sign digitally for my shipment. This only became available after “International shipment release - Import”

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I’ve seen holds last from several hours to days. It really depends on what it’s being held for. @Jessica_Nava said theirs is cleared so that’s a good sign. (Mine isn’t yet). They could theoretically still be delivered on time.

interesting, min has been at clearance delay import since Friday.
I wonder what’s holding mine up, I live on the west coast as well.

Also!! If you live near a hold location, you can ask FedEx to deliver to a location like Walgreens, where they will hold your package until you go pick it up. Good alternative if you’re not sure an adult will be home at delivery time and don’t want it left at the doorstep.

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UK here. charged but haven’t shipped yet

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Just to be clear, I’ve posted that to understand if many people are affected by any delays and I’ve received a few messages. since we have started shipping Batch 16 recently I don’t think y’all have been waiting for too long, please let me know if there is an extraordinary situation.


Yep you can hold at a FedEx depot or you can sometimes change the address. I my case, I pre-signed because if it shows up when I have stepped out it can be home in less than 15 min.

In the past I have had stuff delivered to my mom (who was across town) or where I worked if I knew I could not get home that fast.

I’m actually still waiting even for a shipping notification! :slight_smile: On the upside, it means I’m probably not stuck in Alaska or Memphis; on the other hand…y’know, it hasn’t shipped yet!

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I believe all US shipments go through Alaska first since there’s a big Fedex hub setup there and things can go through customs there. At this point it’s still pretty early on in shipping given that the earliest shipments started on friday and customs probably only works 9-5 weekdays, so it’s been ~2 business days max at this point for anyone.

On another note I’m still refreshing for a shipment notice though I expect I’ll be towards the end of batch 16 shipments if they go by order of preorder since I signed up January 25th and others have mentioned early January.


My tracking is now showing it has departed the facility in Alaska. So perhaps things will be fine for everyone else too.


I think there is more than one pallet going though customs, and at least one of them got pulled for a random inspection. If nothing is found or all paperwork is good it will get released. The problem is, as others have stated, that customs does not work 24/7 and further we have no idea on their back log. Basically if your laptop is no clear in several days this week, I would reach out or framework support.

Same for me. Im in Germany tho. I think it is not that unusual, that only some peoples laptops in the batch are getting shipped, and others have to wait a little. Its hard but I try to be patient.


I’m also waiting for my order to be shipped. Had to be the hardest part. Already been charger obviously, but now not having “any” infos is probably the hardest part. I’m probably too impatient :joy:

I’m not even sure if anyone in Europe has had theirs shipped yet. Can someone confirm?
(I’m in the UK)

Can confirm that i have yet to have mine shipped (France)

Really hoping for today, then there’s still a chance to get it before the long weekend. Looking at Batch 15, someone from the UK had theirs ship last Tuesday and it arrived on Saturday, so there’s a chance!

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I’ve talked to a guy who had it delivered in 3 days from the day it was sent to FedEx. Hopefully it will be shipped today and isn’t blocked by customs.

For my order for FW16:
Date of Order: 17 Jan 2024
Date of Prep Email: 13 May 2024
Date Charged: 16 May 2024
Delivery Tracking: Tracking number received: 21 May 2024. ETA 24 May 2024
Fedex could not find my house. They were going to retry on the 28 May 2024, so I decided to go pick it up, so collected it on 24 May 2024.
Destination: United Kingdom