FW16 Batch 16 Guild

Mine was just shipped to EU.

Edit: just checked fedex tracking, it should arrive by Friday :smiley:

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My order:
Date of Order: 27 Jan
Prep email: 13 May
Date charged: 17 May
Delivery tracking: None yet
Destination: United Kingdom

They think my payment is sus :frowning_face:

Screenshot (spoiler)

Which is your destination country?

uk here. it is shipped!!!

Yay! Mine has shipped.

Woke up this morning. Didn’t even get out of bed , checked this forum and my email. Made a cup of coffee. Checked again and there it is!

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US. I doubt it’s about the shipping info, I assume they don’t like that I’m not using a US card for payment… I don’t want to pay the ~3% fee to move the money to a US bank account.

Update! It’s shipped!!! expected to get here on the 24th :smiley:

Was just reading this thread for shipping updates and got an email mine has shipped (Europe)! Edit: it says expected delivery on Friday 24th, but I wouldn’t be surprised at all if it doesn’t make it by then.

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My laptop has shipped, too! Just got the email 2 minutes ago. Expected delivery on Thursday.

Shipping email 12:52. Estimated date of delivery Friday 24th May.
Taiwan to UK.

Mine has shipped too !
Expected delivery in France by Friday before 12AM according to FeDex.
So exited !!

Wooooooo! Shipping to uk, should get it before the weekend! Very excited!!

For what it’s worth, the FedEx website gave me faster updates and it currently says this for my order:


I’m a Texas resident btw.

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Mine shipped too! :partying_face:
(Fedex website says Friday too)

Mine says out for delivery. So excited!

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Mine has finally shipped, as well, during the wee hours of the morning, US time!

Mine shipped this morning too, expected to arrive May 22 or 23!

Mine has been in Customs for a week now hopefully we hear something soon.

Got a shipping notice in the wee hours of the morning as well! I’ll add to my assumptions before that they probably work on a pallet(s) during ~9-5 taipei time and ship as a pallet(s) towards the end of that working day which would line up with the timing most people got their shipping notifications. If people are still waiting for a shipping notice I’d convert timezones to know when to expect notices for Wednesday in Taiwan.