FW16 Batch 16 Guild

Virginia here. Still in Anchorage since Friday…

Mine came a day earlier than the stated delivery date. I missed the package. I was at the gas station and checked my phone and noticed it said out for delivery. I immediately finished pumping gas and jumped in my car to head back home. While driving back. I got a notification that it was a missed delivery :scream:. I was hoping to see the truck in my neighborhood as I went back home but no luck :cry:. Now I have to wait hours for the truck to get back to the facility so I can pick it up later today. At least it is in my city.

I’m home. They say it’s due tomorrow, but today is Tuesday. Could it be…??? :slight_smile:

Yep it is so my friend. Enjoy and try not to geek out when the delivery person hands it to you.


In a similar situation as well, I see some US-bound packages have managed to leave customs in Alaska but mine is still stuck there since Friday.

I’m so sorry… :frowning:

Ugh. Hope they get here soon. I gotta go to the bathroom… :rofl:

looks like it’s shipped now!


Yes it did. I apologise for my impatience! :slight_smile:

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It. Is. Here.


:santa: in May.

I can smell the box in the room with me, and now I have to work all day. It’s a new pain. But it’s sweet.

From what I have seen, the engineering on the packaging is outstanding. And it’s all paper. These guys are thoughtful from top to bottom.


Mine just arrived!


My laptop is still stuck in a clearance delay.

Looks like our laptops are on the same pallet.


UK checking in - dispatched today, aiming for a Friday delivery!

Already moving quickly through a few different hubs by the looks of it:

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I hope mine gets a window seat and takes a few photos of its trip. :slight_smile:


Still stuck in AK…


Well that was fun, I did not get a notice my package was out for delivery (I signed up for one), they tried to deliver a day early, and even though I pre-signed I get “Delivery exception Customer not available or business closed”.

So now I have to try to get them to re-deliver, and because notifications are broken I have to sit home all day to sign for this. And I did call fedex, the package will not be available until after 8pm for pickup at the depot, and the depot closes at 7pm so I cannot pick it up. Gods I love Fedex.

EDIT - also I just checked from time they loaded in a truck to be delivered to when they tried to be delivered was less than 30 min. As in at 7am it was in LA, at 9:47 am it was loaded onto a truck, and they tried to deliver at 10:02 am.

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I had a similar experience today. But I drove to the FedEx facility to get it since it was just 15min away. It is now in my hands. Checking with the wife to make sure she does not need anything and then going to assemble. You will have yours soon.


My package just got released from Anchorage! It was one of the packages that was held at 2:30pm. Hopefully everyone else’s who got held at that time is moving now!

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