FW16 Batch 16 Guild

Ok this just gets fun. Apparently me calling the depot and finding out that I could not pick the laptop up tonight caused them to trigger one more try to deliver, so my Framwork 16 is now in my hands.


Mine too! Scheduled to arrive tomorrow before noon!

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Batch 16 lurker here! I got my package today! Mine was delivered a day earlier than expected (as reported by someone else up in the thread)

Mine did too, and set to be delivered only a day late. Not bad.

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Also SOOOO glad I know about memory training or I would be freaking out right now. As I have 64gb, I am expecting this to take around 20 min.

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By contrast, mine just HIT the clearance stage in Anchorage. Hopefully there isn’t some customs drone waiting for new chances to be a pain in the tuchus by randomly stopping pallettes.

I spoke too soon. Clearance Delay just got flagged. @Destroya FYI! (I don’t expect you to be able to magically fix it, but I know you were collecting info)


IT’S ALIVE!!! Just finished setting up the operating system. Time to play and customize.


Having fun activating windows (it was purchased for the laptop I am replacing) and normal ms bs, about having me on hold for most of an hour and then trying to transfer me only to drop the call after I was on hold for 20 min.

Also touchpad is not working, but currently updating from 3.02 to 3.03 bios to see if that fixes the touchpad issue. Will contact support if it does not, because may be an RMA issue.

Otherwise everything is working, and with a Bluetooth mouse I have games running.

Got mine after fighting with Fedex today. Then met a friend for dinner and took it into the fancy resturant with me … it wasn’t going to sit in the car.


I hear you. I’m supposed to be going out of town this weekend, and if it doesn’t arrive 'til Thursday, I’m trying to decide if I’m going to take it with me to put together at the hotel, or be a good monkey and wait 'til I get home!

It’s definitely doable in a hotel.

I put mine together on top of a box. DIY model. And my cats were around too.


Oh, I believe it. Especially now that we no longer have to fiddle with the wifi antennas. With the Framework 13 (11th Gen), that part alone took an hour. Oy. The rest was easy-peasy!

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Ok build went smooth, then I got to figure out a red / blue code and realized I had not fully seated a memory model.

Next for those of you trying to move a drive with Windows 10 / 11 install from another computer into the Framework 16…just know about DDU if it was intel or Nvidia and you are going AMD. That saved me ton of issues.

Everything else was just 5 months of updates, installing the driver pack and doing the bios update. Track pad is still not working, nor are the keyboard backlights so opened a ticket for that. The real pain came from Microsoft. Turns out I have been using the same license from win 7 since 3 laptops ago. Further it started life out as an OEM license, but the free upgrade to win 10 made it forget it was OEM. However trying to get this working on the new Framework got me to buy a license from the MS store and then call MS for 6 hours over 4 calls trying to get that installed.

For the love of all that is holly, just buy a license key from some one other than the MS store. Amazon or Framework would have been more pain free than anything MS made me go through! So frame work 8/10…Microsoft 2/100

I’d have just used MAS after the first 10 minutes of it not working lmao

Hoping the Aussie shipping issues get sorted out soon, still waiting for my card to be charged.

Awesome to see the builds coming together!

According to the tracking history mine has gone from Taiwan → Philippines → China → India → UAE.
Are FedEx being useless as usual (Destination is the UK) or are they all going through Asia?

I’m in the UK and mine is taking the same route. I expect it’s how FedEx’s logistics route is setup for TW->UK

If an earlier batch is anything to go by (FW16 Batch 13 Guild - #250 by Earphone5329) there might only be one more step before it gets to the UK (Paris CDG).

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Mine is stuck in Anchorage on clearance delay since 2:45 p.m. Anchorage time yesterday.Booo!