FW16 Batch 16 Guild

FYI turns out you can also have a unresponsive trackpad and nonfunctional keyboard backlights if you need a bios reset.

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Yay! Mine arrived a day early!


Mine just arrived! (UK)


Glad to see so many batch 16 deliveries!

Mine is still stuck in Anchorage on customs hold (Clearance Delay, Import) since 5/21@2:45pm

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Mine arrived one day early, gonna unbox it in a few minutes :partying_face:

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Pallet Siblings! Mine’s exactly the same.

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Same as well

Of course, the work day is barely starting in Alaska, even if they start relatively early, so I guess they can be forgiven if nothing’s changed yet.

An hour from now, though…*refresh refresh refresh*

Thanks for letting me know, our logistics team is monitoring the situation. We appreciate your patience.


The antenna hookups are those teeny tiny i-pex mhf connectors (like MHF® 4 | I-PEX) so they are definitely fiddly. I used the spudger of the framework multitool to pop and reseat them carefully (after being extra sure to align them before applying pressure). There’s a thread on these forums where someone was not so careful and ended up with smashed connectors though. :grimacing:


My laptop just got delivered at home! Too bad I’m stuck in the office but I can’t wait to get home and get it fired up.


Curse them, and crush them, we hate them forever.

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Naturally FedEx tried to deliver it this morning before our store opened.

By sheer dumb luck someone was there early and signed for it lol.

Glad this chapter is over. Heading over to get it and geek tf out :call_me_hand:


At least your pallet made it out into the world :smiley: Use it in good health!

At this point, I imagine those of us who are stuck in the tundra won’t see ours 'til Monday.


I love that. So much same :muscle:


IF Monday… Will FedEx deliver on memorial day?


I honestly don’t know. Good point.

No, especially with a Union shop involved. Memorial Day is a big no no.

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Wow, those are wildly tiny. Did you have to do anything special to get the card working? It seemed like the system was seeing mine, but there was no driver available. And I couldn’t find a driver from the manufacturer’s website. I ended up having to reinstall the stock card. :woozy_face:

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Clearance Delay is now 48 hours old.

Our tax dollars at work.

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