FW16 Batch 16 Guild

Yeah so mine is stuck with a clearance delay in Europe and absolutely zero update all day :sob:

Same, but to Cali and was slated for before 10:30 am until that came and went.

I agree. I have been using mine for a few days now and am also impressed. I opted not to get the graphics module as I am holding out for a better GPU module in the future. While the iGPU is not as powerful as a dedicated GPU, it has exceeded my expectations in performance with some tasks and games I have played. I am sure having 32 GBs of RAM is helping the iGPU perform better. The keyboard feels solid, the screen is beautiful, and I am generally very pleased with this purchase. The camera is good enough for most general use cases. I have not compared it to my external camera yet.

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At this point, mine has no meaningful estimate at all, which tells me it’s probably still in the facility in Anchorage and won’t make it to me 'til Tuesday.

I’d be crankier about it, except I’m not home this weekend, anyway.

Also Ohio, also the 12 PM estimate this morning, then end of day, and now no estimate. With the weekday delivery and holiday, guessing won’t see them until Tuesday now.


Update - my unit is getting the touchpad and spacers RMA’d. Because right now if I take it off, I have to reset bios to get it working (on v3.03) and I cannot life it on the left.

Other than that, my hubby is loving it. Baldurs Gate is happily playing on ultra, and backlights have been working without issues sense the bios reset.

Only sad bit is just figured out se screen does not support HDR….and hope I can by a pannel in the future that does. I got an entry level display for my desktop, and I can’t go back to bad or no HDR. Just it’s so much better in direct light.

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FYI we got the GPU, and it’s letting any game we through at the laptop play at 80+ fps in ultra. Now we also got 64 GB of ram and have a Samsung 980 pro so no other bottle necks.


I had to install the drivers from the MSI website but that was it (and the drivers seem to be bloat-free). Just put them on a usb drive and copied them over.


Mine arrived today. Very impressed with Framework ripping through batches & shipping fast. Very impressed with build quality. Was a joy to put together.

Keyboard is decent. Not as good as the mechanical in my Alienware, but not bad for a membrane keyboard.

Getting Windows installed now.


Oh my package went on its way again over night! Really unclear when it will be delivered though, no date given. Looks like it could be today?! But I’m not home today!!

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Ah, well… It Made it to Memphis overnight, Probably will wander to my local facility by Monday. A leisurely holiday weekend.
Hopefully I’ll get a solid delivery date/time by Monday evening so I can decide wether to have them hold it or chance having them deliver it before 11am when work starts.


Mine DIY has arrived in the Netherlands (friday lunch) and I assembled it in the afternoon, I installed fedora 40 kde (for now) and am really happy. looks good sounds better than my previous laptop. Now contemplating how to move all my private stuff from previous win11/10 to Linux (again).

Currently strugling with a dolphin smb bug where network files disapear. This also happen on Manjaro KDE VM, so its a plasma 6 bug I assume.
I probably install Manjaro XFCE in dual boot tomorrow.

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After a few days, I am very happy with my Framework 16. I am running Debian 12 bookworm with a re-compiled latest kernel (6.9.1 for now) using all the AMD configs in there.
I also added the rtc_cmos.use_acpi_alarm=1 to my grub as well as the power profiles.

Powertop gives me more than 5 hours of battery life during normal tasks when the battery is fully charged and having the GPU attached. With some tweaking I believe I can get 6.5 hours out of the system.

Hope you all have your Framework 16 at hands soon …

Oh yes, and for Framework … I hope you will create a double-wide touchpad spacer as option. I would instantly purchase it …


Same I wish I knew it was going to Memphis not to Cali first so I would have lowered my expectations and not tried to wait for it all yesterday. Hopefully we can get a real date/time Tuesday to plan around.

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If I had been up at 4:00 a.m. I could have stood outside and waved to my laptop as it flew over Denver on it’s way to Memphis. I’m not sure why it went to Memphis since we have a huge Fed Ex distribution center here. I guess it’s taking the scenic route, getting a little of that great Memphis BBQ, a little jazz and Memphis Blues before hitting the Mile High City. Fed Ex tells me I won’t get it until Tue. since it’s sitting now back in Denver on a truck that won’t be opened until Tue. morning because of the holiday. What a bummer!

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Another method is to install cygwin on the windows PC and then install rsync and ssh inside cygwin. One can then simply rsync the files across to the Linux laptop.


Yeah, Friday was a frustrating day. I was busy running errands all day but with one eye on tracking in case it progressed past Memphis, and making sure I could get home in an hour or so from wherever I wandered to. Which is no easy logistical task here on Long Island on Memorial Day weekend. All the roads were packed with traffic.
It would have been much less stressful if FedEx would have been honest with their delivery estimate. The last straw was their change from ‘before 12pm’ to before ‘end of day’ while it still sat in Anchorage…
The good news is that I have to drop my wife at work Tuesday 9am so I’ll be able to pick up from whatever FedEx location it ends up in before I go to work.

It is currently reporting from Newark airport.

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No updates since 12 noon here yesterday : ( and as it’s Sunday, when no one does anything in this part of the world apparently, fingers crossed for tomorrow?

If you’re in the United States, it will probably not be delivered tomorrow, as it’s Memorial Day. These shipments are sent “weekday delivery” which I’m pretty sure excludes holidays like Memorial Day as well as weekends.

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Mine arrived Friday. Had an issue with the numpad that strangely cleared itself up. Keyboard isn’t as nice as my old ThinkPad X200 but I like it. Do have an issue with the bezel pinching the screen which I am contacting support over but overall this is the best laptop I’ve ever owned.