FW16 Batch 16 Guild

Updated to ‘out for delivery’!

Did not think this would be me, but literally looking out the window to the driveway now :rofl:

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It arrived :o

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Ehm mayday mayday, I was just (very carefully) installing the primary SSD… and the screw broke as I screwed it back in?!! The small bottom bit snapped off and is now stuck in the hole. Edit: this problem! https://www.reddit.com/r/framework/comments/1cta0xe/just_received_fw16_and_tiny_ssd_screw_broke/

My FW16 has been working really nice, only issue I got is that my Expansion Bay Shell doesn’t get detected so I’m getting a warning at every boot. I opened a ticket with support yesterday and I’m waiting for a response. If you got both dGPU and the shell you should probably check that both work fine :frowning:

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Any update on your order ? My laptop is still pre order confirmed.

I ordered th GPU separately and got a notification for that had been shipped today :confused:

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It is here. Just picked it up from FedEx. Only have an hour before work to get home and build it.


Excellent words:


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TADA! It’s here!


My card just got charged overnight, so it looks like things are progressing. Don’t think I’ll receive it before the weekend though


I’m really glad I saw this back when you posted it last week, because now mine’s built and quietly muttering to itself presumably going through training.


Just check the light on the right side. If it’s going blue to red it means there is something wrong with the memory. In my case I swapped my two sticks, because one had not seated properly.

The laptop booted up and has been working since that. Oh and I threw in Saberant Rocket 1TB as the 2ndary drive.

The light is white (fully charged), the power button light is white; and still no display. Fan comes and goes, but no display.

How long did yours take?

Despite safe-looking lights, I took the input modules and midplate off and reseated the memory. All is happy now!


Does anyone else who got both the RGB keyboard and the RGB macro module find that the default mode is more than a little disco?

It’s like Elton John is trying to sing to me through my keyboard lights.

I’m here for it, but I was not quite expecting it!

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I did not get one, but it’s open source:

Also might work with software like SingnalRGB (what I use on my desktop for Corsair, Asus, Logitech, other hardware).

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I haven’t done much with it yet, but SignalRGB does at least recognize the existence of the keyboard and macro pad!

Yup my order got charged now as well.

Guess what ever the delay was has been worked out, now just have to wait for shipping and tracking info.

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Got mine this morning, but had to wait till after work to put it together. So far it’s working great my only regret would be trying windows 11 it’s not the worse, but I feel like linux is in my future with all the things I had to turn off and uninstall to feel okay about using it.

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Then it looks like this is the way:

I might also reach out or support, to see how they recommend making it work.

Turns out (from that thread) there’s this:

which works just fine!

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