FW16 Batch 17 Guild

Yeah, a little more communication would be nice but it seems once the shipping email comes it’s possible track the package more directly.




My card still hasn’t been charged ;-;

Poor Australians

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Mine has finally shipped! Supposed to be delivered Wednesday! :man_dancing: :laughing:

On the home stretch. Just have to remember to breathe…


finally got my shipping notification for delivery to germany

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Just received my shipping e-mail ! :smiling_face:

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Well, that wasn’t a long wait! Shipping email has arrived, and a text from FedEx. My laptop has left Taiwan and is on the way, due to be delivered Wednesday May 29th, which happens to be my birthday! :man_dancing:t2:

Mine has been at a local FedEx center since Saturday morning, and won’t be delivered until Wednesday. :unamused:

Shipped early this morning :grinning:

Same here, shipped early this morning and due to arrive on Wednesday. Very excited!

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Mine shipped this morning as well. Now I’m obsessively refreshing the tracking information, waiting for it to leave the Ta Yuan district in Taiwan!

Greetings everyone!
Batch 17 from Germany here! Just started unboxing it, very excited for the whole experience.

Thank you to all of you nice people for sharing the excitement and keeping me updated. At least for me, the wait is finally over!
Good luck everyone!


Same here, mine’s all set up now, it’s an amazing laptop! I had very high expectations, and so far it’s living up to it and even exceeding my expectations. Man, the screen is beautiful.

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I’m hoping mine shows up today. It still says Wednesday but it’s only like 15 miles from my house.

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This thing is taking quite the route. Taiwan to Alaska to Tennessee. I was expecting it to come in via Los Angeles, it’s probably the closest US port to Taiwan. I wonder if these are sent in smaller batches and doing a route like this is the most efficient way to distribute them to a region.

Mine took the same route. Not sure where you are, but I’m in southern Ontario. I originally expected it to go directly from Taiwan to Toronto, then to go from Alaska to Toronto. Now I’m wondering if it’s going to hit another five or six states before it gets to Canada at all. :laughing:

(The times on mine are different, so you’re not in the same shipment.)

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Mine also took the exact same route.

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Mine arrived in Alaska with yours, but stayed there. Its scheduled to arrive tomorrow, so hopefully it gets released today!

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Mine is out for delivery!


I’m San Francisco area, which is why I expected it to come in through Los Angeles. I’m a buyer for a hardware store and many of my independent vendors ship in from Los Angeles and Central Valley area distribution wearhouses via imports from Asia. Oakland is also a major import hub but the Bay Area is a bit more dense and doesn’t have the same wearhouse footprint(plus building anything new is held back by zoning and expense)