FW16 Batch 17 Guild

Seems like a very odd routing for two packages going to such widely disparate places, but I assume it’s cheaper for FedEx that way. :person_shrugging: As long as they get mine to me tomorrow, as they’re claiming they will, I won’t complain. At least, not too much. :wink:

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I have my partner and roommate fully briefed on being aware of delivery time and to pay attention to the call box. I also have remote view of our call box camera so I’m so gonna have that app open while at work and watch it like a hawk(as much as work allows). Sadly it is due in the morning and I’m not off work until 530pm :weary:


Mine was shipped yesterday, expected to arrive in my town of southern France on May, 30th.

The route as recorded per the tracking app was Taiwan->Phillipines->China->Germany (Cologne)->France (Paris CDG)

…just got the notification it was released from customs clearance in Paris :grinning:

Got my shipping notification!

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Mine arrived this morning.

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It goes to Memphis because that’s where FedEx’s Worldwide hub is. I was checking the flights out of the airport in Anchorage, AL when mine was shipping, and there were like 10 flights just going from Anchorage to Memphis that day. From there they send it to regional or local hubs and through it the truck for rest of the trip.


Ah, this makes a lot of sense!

Hi there! Anybody here also waiting for shipment to northern Germany? I got shipment notification on last Thursday. Until Saturday it was in France already. Since then tracking says, that the package went to Hamburg (and I live relatively nearby) and then was shipped back to Paris again. At least on a different route, so that the laptop is not bored :wink:

But for me it doesn’t make sense. Anybody observing the same?

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Got my framework. Gonna start building it soon!


Same here, just got it! :grin:


Got mine and assembled it. I was prepared for the spacer gaps, but not for the touchpad panel actually sticking up at the back corners, even after reseating the keyboard and keyboard spacers several times.

When I get a chance, tonight or tomorrow to take photos, I’m going to put in a support ticket, and I will try to remember to post them here, but hopefully this is a one-off issue and not a batch-wide issue.


Am I doing this right?


clearance delayed… thanks america :sweat_smile:

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I got charged today, yay!!!


According to tracking, its been sitting in Alaska for 2 days… but it will somehow arrive in Pennsylvania and get delivered in the next 1-5 hours :frowning:

I hate FedEx!

I’m less than fond of FedEx as well, but if they get my laptop here today, as they’re saying they will (“Estimated between 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM”), I’ll sing their praises. At least for a week or two. :wink:

I’m going to keep hoping that it shows up today, but since the tracking says it is still literally on the opposite side of the country… it feels overly optimistic.

:person_shrugging: :crossed_fingers: :smile:

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Yes! It is in the city!


DELIVERED!!! :man_dancing: