FW16 Batch 17 Guild

i went prebiult just because i know i don’t have much free time :smiling_face_with_tear:


If I didn’t already have a functioning gaming laptop, I wouldn’t have done it. From what I’ve seen the assembly steps are pretty easy and fast, but I know I’m going to have to sink a lot of time into fully transitioning to a Linux environment. I suspect the up-and-running part won’t take too much time, but the tweaking and optimizing is gonna get me :slight_smile:

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Thats why i decided to stay on Windows. I only use linux on my steam deck and i feel like i’m cheating by just using it on steam deck

Are you going to install Windows 10 or 11?

If all goes well well still be in Q2 so that may mean june or earlyer. :laughing:


Windows 11, been using it for a while now. I only use 10 at work

Looks like Batch 5 people have just got their emails. If they manage one batch every 5 days like they said in the latest update, we should be around the 13th of May (potentially sooner if they switch to a 4 day cadence like they plan to). Probably best not to get our hopes up too much though :smile:


Batch 17 pre-orders still say Q2, so it will probably be the end of Q2 or early Q3 if they slip. Either way, those waiting for them for the Fall semester will still get them in time. Here’s hoping for May though! :slight_smile:


Looks like they have now finishing batch 7 in about 5 weeks since they started dispute issues.
If they continue like that we should see batch 17 mid-late may.
Not to mention they are picking up speed and resolving supply chain issues, so maybe even sooner.


My guess is early to mid June. Might be best this way. I’ll be able to focus on final exams instead of a shiny new laptop.


I’m going on a vacation the end of June, it would be good to have it before then. :grin:

I’m in batch 17 as well, and I just heard about the earthquake in Taiwan shutting down Framework production. I imagine it’ll be at least a week or two for them to verify the safety of the production buildings and lines before starting back up. My Q2 estimate hasn’t changed yet, but I’m willing to be it’ll be closer to mid-late June for delivery now.

Looks like batch 9 emails just started going out, so the earthquake may not have had much (or any?) impact on the schedule.

That would sure be nice. Let’s hope.


Alright people! Hyped? I sure am. Looking forward to it, looks like we might receive our laptops in the mail in early June!


i was hopefull we got them by may. :cold_sweat:

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Could still happen, they did mention that the deliveries should be speeding up as they get more experience.

Batch 11 have just got their emails, so we should get ours in around a month. Whether we actually get our laptops before June depends on how long they actually take to ship.

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I spy my little eye on something . Guess what is it ?
Joke aside , I think more likely toward the mid or later May thou


Website account says shipping in May now instead of Q2.