FW16 Batch 17 Guild

Batch 1 be wilin out. Found on Discord and reposted on the batch 1 thread.

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Hello everyone,

We’re seeing a disturbing trend of irrational anger, foul language, abusive tones, and general toxicity in Support and on our managed social media channels. Everyone is well-within their right to be frustrated, and yes, even angry about anything. We won’t tell you how you can or should feel. What is NOT okay, is personally attacking our staff, finding our personal online accounts that are not work-related, and spamming hateful messages, full of vitriol. If you are that upset, a simple solution, cancel your pre-order. If you are getting that worked up over us being transparent about issues outside of our control at the moment, your mental health is more important, and you should probably walk away for yourself and everyone involved. While we absolutely appreciate the business, we do not take kindly to our hardworking staff being berated, dehumanized, and disrespected. They are not valid proxies for venting your destructive verbiage. If you have feedback, provide it in a constructive way, and I promise you it is escalated for review by internal staff equipped and dedicated to receive it. As a company of less than 50 employees worldwide, we still have a lot of growing to do, and it’s clear that some expectations that exist are far loftier than we are able to meet. We’ll continue to be transparent, but if there’s confusion around information we’ve provided, politely ask for clarification. We make mistakes, but do not immediately assume that Framework is purposefully trying to take advantage of you or perform some nefarious deed. That’s not who we are, and that’s not on-mission or on-brand. Assume good intent, first and foremost, as we’re working insanely hard in every department within Framework.

Given the above, if you have decided to continue down a toxic path, we will cease engagement and you will be ignored. I will not allow our staff to be abused, period. Not once have they been disrespectful or deserved to be on the receiving end of some of these messages.

To the vast majority of our respectful followers and/or customers, thank you. If we’ve missed on your expectations, we sincerely apologize, and please know that we’re always trying to do what we can to make it right. There are limitations to what’s possible given a number of factors, but we’ll continue to be as transparent and open as we can.

Thank you.

Kevin Crawford
Head of Global Customer Experience


Sad to hear about this. The FW 16 is a first production run of a brand new product with a revolutionary design by a relatively new company. Needless to say that there will be some issues to iron out, and the FW staff has been doing a epic job at addressing said issues. They should be commended for their efforts.


i get wanting your laptop delivered but wow people can be crazy if they had to post that :frowning:


Sounds like Batch 2 is getting their FW16s in. I know we have a while, but I’m hype. The family member I’m giving this FW13 to is hype too. Not sure how much longer their laptop will last, but this Batch 4 i5 11gen still has a lot more life left in it.


Hey Im new here. Looking forward to following this through to batch 17


Reluctantly joined the Batch 17 Guild today. Placed my order for the minimum config I can get away with.

I did want to build it out of parts and just order a few bits each month but it would cost an extra £733 doing it this way.


welcome aboard

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reporting for duty new batch 17 here.


Welcome to the club ! I was also holding back just to see how the review are like for the Framework 16. Finally pull the trigger last week as well.


Welcome aboard! We have several months to wait, but the good news is that they should have all the major launch bugs ironed out by then! :slight_smile:


That would be nice. I wonder if some parts will change/get improved on, or be introduced while they work through the batches?

Decided to pull the trigger on the FW 16. Preordered a few weeks ago but decided to finally interact a bit with the community. I got the laptop for university and I am super excited to receive it. Coming from an old cheap acer laptop filled with bloatware to this so I’m excited for the improvement.


Batch 18 here! Actually pretty happy not to be too early, some early reviews talk about minor design flaws, while later reviews are noting changes to fix those issues (e.g. pads under the keyboard to remove its flex). Everything will be perfect for our batches :grin:


Welcome aboard! You should get it by the Fall Semester, and it will be a noticeable upgrade from that old Acer. :slight_smile:

Hello B17,

I ordered mine through work. Its cool to see how enthousiastic people are. i hope mine will be there in june or july.
I saw that theyre ramping up production of FW16 so would be cool if they cross of the batches a little faster than the first ones. B2 seems to be having them in.


Looking forward to the laptop shipping. Hopefully we will see this year.

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Welcome to the club, @Lance_Rasmussen!

Framework originally estimated a “Q2” delivery date for batch 17. I can’t imagine that there would be so much of a delay that it wouldn’t be available by the end of this year.

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If I can just get mine in before the beginning of the Fall 2024 semester, I’ll be happy.


Barring Alien Invasion or Zombie Apocalypse, you should get it by then. :grin:


I was Batch 7, but made the mistake of going the pre-built route. After some soul-searching (and switching my old laptop to a dual-boot Linux/Win10 configuration), I decided that waiting a few more months was worth it to avoid Windows 11. I was a bit sad that I couldn’t make the change without fully cancelling my order and losing my place, but all in all I think it was the right thing to do. So Batch 17, representing! Now to just be uncharacteristically patient for the next few months…