FW16 Batch 17 Guild

Got the email!
The Framework 13 I’m typing this on will enjoy a long second life in the hands of a close family member.

My similar vintage xps 15 is still doing pretty well, but this will be a leap from that

Received my batch preparation email as well. Time to order my SSDs and make an OS install Flash Drive! :smile:


If they don’t want it, look at the third party cases people have made to repurpose the main boards as desktop machines. I don’t think Framework has them up on Marketplace yet, but they are planning to at some point to make them available through the store.

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Got my “preparing batch” email may 16! LETS GOOOOOO!!!

so i looked in my junk mail and there is was sent last Thurs

my face is red


Super excited. We’re supposed to get charged tomorrow, right? I’m using a card that’s only valid for 24 hours (long story), so I’m trying to time it right and put that in at midnight-ish.

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I changed my payment info too, but it wouldn’t let me change my billing address. Reached out to support about that, but so far no response.

Hopefully it all works out. If I can get this laptop before this coming Monday, I’ll be able to use it for my photogrammetry class.

We’re supposed to get charged tomorrow, right?

My email said they’ll ship 4 - 21 days from the time the first email was sent. However, we should check our payment method and update it by the 21st. If the payment doesn’t work and gets updated after the 21st it can cause delays.

Today is 4 days from that first email, so the way I’m interpreting it is that they may try to charge some of us as early as today, and if the payment gets declined today we can still fix it without creating large delays (maybe they’ll just try again tomorrow?). But if the payment method is wrong by tomorrow, then we’ll probably have to work with someone on the Framework side to get it fixed.

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Batch 16 is shipping, we are next! :grinning:

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I havnt been charged yet,XD lol

Me neither. I’m keeping a close eye on my banking app though. :laughing:

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Should happen in the next day or two. :crossed_fingers:


I’m keeping an eye on the Framework Clock™


We should get an email that we have been successfully charged right?

This is actually useful.

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I don’t think so, afaik they only email you if there’s an issue with the payment. But no guarantee.

So far, no charges, no charge email, nor any update on my order status page. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Any minute now…



Another meme for good measure…
