FW16 Batch 17 Guild

Arise my fellow Batch 17ers as we greet another day to wait for the almighty bank charge! May you be blessed by the burden of $2-3k being lifted from your accounts!


I was kinda surprised not to have been charged on the 21st, but Iā€™m glad this thread exists so I know Iā€™m not the only one. Looking forward to running NixOS on this machine (with the https://lix.systems fork of the nix binary). Encouraged to see an entry in nix-hardware for the FW16 already: nixos-hardware/framework/16-inch at master Ā· NixOS/nixos-hardware Ā· GitHub


Oddly, Refreshing my bank app throughout the day has not caused the charge to go through.


Probably easier to just refresh your Framework account and check if the remaining amount due says 0

I havenā€™t been checking that often, so the fingerprint login to my bank app is quicker than signing into to Framework since it logs you out fairly quickly.

I have a pending charge from Framework! Woo more waiting but we are moving forwardā€¦

Just got charged myself! :man_dancing:


Letā€™s goooooo




Go go go :slight_smile:


FUCK YEAH I got charged too

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Mine is pending as well!

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I learned 3 days ago that Australianā€™s have had their orders delayed by 3 weeks.

Understandable, but it would have been nice to learn that from an email rather than by chance. If I had not randomly stumbled upon that I would be furious.

If there are any Framework staff read this thread I would suggest ensuring that in the future that this is communicated properly to all people affected. I only discovered this after checking my order from the ā€˜your batch is readyā€™ email. If Framework was a larger company this would be a trust destroying mistake.

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No email, but I got charged! Woohoo!

Same. I assume the email will go out later today when the pending charge goes through. Itā€™s likely in the queue already waiting on that.

I got charged an hour ago after I confirmed my payment method a second time (used GiroPay). Now Iā€™m waiting (patiently) for the next email and the shippment.

I just got charged an hour ago as well! Now the wait for shipping and delivery.


Oups, not that straightforward for meā€¦

Received a worrying mail one hour ago saying ā€œimpossible to process your orderā€ (litteraly written in french, my language).

The payment was first failed despite all looked good from my bank account and credit card. Fortunately, there was a link in the mail to directly process the payment. I followed and enter my credit card numbers againā€¦(usually, I never click these links in mail, but for my FW16,ā€¦ I run the riskšŸ˜ƒ).

And now, itā€™s all right, I just checked my framework account, it mentions that 0ā‚¬ remains to pay.

So, I am done with paymentā€¦ ready for the next stepšŸ˜Š

Glad it got straightened out quickly.

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