FW16 Batch 17 Guild

Shipment just hit Alaska!
Fingers crossed for better customs processing than some other recent batches!

Still waiting for my shipping email. Iā€™m refreshing my inbox like every 5 minutes.

Iā€™ve been doing that for two days now. :laughing:

Charged but still waiting for shipping notification. West Coast US here.

Germany here, also no shipment notification here. Iā€™m watching my email inbox like a hawk.


Same for me - no shipping notification as yet. :upside_down_face:

Mine is also in Alaska awaiting customs. Scheduled for delivery to the east coast US on Wednesday 29th. So excited!!

In Hawaii, awaiting shipping email. Gimme gimme, Framework!

Still no shipping email in the UK, and the Framework Clockā„¢ suggests itā€™s too late to expect one today.

Just got my shipping mail hype

I would have thought itā€™s a bit too late in Taiwan for them to be shipping stuff, but I guess not.

got my shipping mail ! (Germany)

Still nothing hereā€¦

Nothing here either. :sob:

Yeehaa ! Got my shipping email too (france) but i get no clue on when the delivery is to be expected ! I hope wednesday :melting_face:

It was probably sent to the shipper earlier in the day, and just got logged into their system.

maybe FedEx havenā€™t finished processing them all and I might still get one today?


The charge has properly gone out of my account though (no longer pending), does this mean anything?

Yes, it means your order is ready to ship. You wonā€™t get an email about the payment, but you will when it ships (should be early next week at the latest).

Mine just went to: Order Status Shipped. I havenā€™t seen the email yet though (need to check spam folder again) :smile: