FW16 Batch 19 Guild

I’ve been refraining from posting this every day and will do so again after this, but… I’m so excited!

What’s the first thing you’ll do after setting up? I’ll probably play around in Godot C# and see if I notice the difference compared to my old Dell :slight_smile:

video game performance checks

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I want to play around with Linux for the first time. Probably not the most ideal system to try linux on since it seems that not all the distros work seamlessly with it, but I want this laptop to really feel like something that’s 100% mine.


I’m excited to get some games going on it. Primarily a PS5 gamer I’m looking forward to trying out some PC gaming (albeit on a laptop). Will also get coding environments setup so I can move over work from my Intel MacBook Air and make progress on some projects. I’ve also got a new NAS coming and will use my FW16 as my primary laptop for getting that setup and managed.

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This is really the ideal system to try Linux on. Just choose one or both of the officially supported distros and you will have full manufacturer and community support to help you learn!

I have used Linux Mint for years and plan to use the “Edge” version on my batch 16 because several community members have reported good results. But I will also install Ubuntu and Fedora to get some experience with them and to have official Framework support in case hardware issues arise.

For all of the reasons previous posters in this thread have stated, Linux and the community around it ROCK!


Batch 17 got there prep emails

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It is nice seeing a ton of support with any problems that arise from trying to use Linux, but as someone with very limited knowledge with coding/software in general, it does feel a little intimidating using this for my first attempt with Linux. Still excited about it though

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We are so close guys, if in 4 days batch 18 gets their emails, and we get ours five days later, (It’s been flipping between 4 and 6 the last couple batches, last I had checked, so I averaged it. ) that means we could get our emails may 29th! I can’t believe how close we are to the end of the waiting periods.


Only thing to keep in mind timing wise is Memorial Day in the US (May 27th). Unsure if this will have any impact, but wanted to mention it so there aren’t any surprise delays later on :sweat_smile:

scrap, add another day then. I thought that was the week after next. My guess however, is that will only affect shipping times, and not their manufacturing times, but who knows.


Probably won’t affect Taiwanese production is my intuition… But I’ve been wrong before!


Framework may the best brand-new laptop model for Linux.

That’s because Linux support for computer hardware typically only comes after the Linux community devs have had months or even years working with that hardware, which can obviously only happen after the hardware has been released to the public.

For a brand-new laptop to work with Linux well upon release is if the manufacturer specifically works with the Linux community before and during release. Framework did that, and identified the issues with their new hardware with Linux, and released patches for them. But it will take time for those patches to be copied and rolled out by the community to all distributions.

If you’ve never used Linux, personally I’d recommend sticking with those listed at Framework | Linux Compatibility on the Framework Laptop. Currently that’s Ubuntu, Fedora, and the community-supported Arch. While jumping into the deep end with your own distro can be great, too many issues too quickly trying to use your brand new laptop for basic everyday tasks carries the risk of discouraging you and causing you to go back to Windows. And by sticking with Ubuntu, Fedora, or Arch, you’ll both have fewer issues and also a bigger forum community of support for root-causing and resolving issues! More learning more quickly!


This is a pretty convincing argument and makes me feel less worried about using Linux on this laptop. I have never used Linux before so using it on anything is kind of intimidating to me, but it was especially intimidating since I saw so many posts of issues with trying to get various distros to work. That being said, I was still going to go forward with it because it seemed like a lot of issues got resolved pretty quickly/easily and there’s probably a lot of those posts because there are probably plenty of Linux users for a laptop like this who are also trying to make it work better with the Framework team. Thanks for the info though because it does definitely make me less concerned.


It’s looking like our time will be soon. Batch 17 has shipped, but unfortunately batch 18 hasn’t gotten their prep email yet, from the looks of it. I would estimate we will be getting our prep emails next week.

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It‘s important to note that not all Batch 17 orders have shipped (in fact, many have not).

It’s also important to note, that this is the case for all batches. We have always gone off when the first few people have had theirs ship. Framework doesn’t just have one batch ship at a time. If I remember correctly, they have three batches being worked on concurrently.

apparently people from batch 18 have started getting prep emails, we’re next!

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Batch 18’er here, just got my prep email. You guys are next! Get ready!


Wooooooooooo! We’re next guys!

Wow! I bet in a month they’ll be able to service orders as soon as they get them.