FW16 Batch 20 Guild

FedEx tracking working for me too, projected to arrive monday!!
Wonder why framework aren’t sending shipping emails…

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Amazing, thank you!
Mine comes at 19/06/2024!

Indeed ! Maybe there is a communication issue between FedEx and Framework causing them to be unable to receive the tracking numbers ?

fedex registration breaks down at the mail confirmation step. Also, when I found my package on my own (thanks to the instructions above) I subscribed up for updates, but I didn’t get an email (although the fedex site gave a notification that it had been sent).
From all this I conclude that Fedex has a broken service that sends out mails


Just got mine a couple hours ago! Woot!

Won’t get to built it until tomorrow night or Saturday morning through :clinking_glasses:

Let’s go!!

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Mine is in anchorage as we speak! Estimated to come monday cuz of the weekday delivery instruction given to fedex but if im lucky lime everyone else itll come a day early and arrive tmr instead! The end is near friends!

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Woot woot!

I received it today, and going through Fedora and Windows installation. I’m free of the Apple ecosystem and can jettison my mac like a bad habit forever. I’m impress with the FW16, thank you Framework

For those still waiting, I hope that it will arrive soon for y’all.

How many days after it was first shipped did it take to reach you?

And yes! Leaving the apple ecosystem behine is such a freeing feeling. What is fedora a linux distro?

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Where do you get the bios updates is it from their website? Ive done bios updates for pcs before but usually i know the motherboard model for that

I think you can find them here - Framework Laptop 16 BIOS and Driver Releases

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It took 2 days to arrive. And yes, Fedora is a linux distro.

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Gotcha thanks!

Two days like the day it shipped plus an extra day so like if it shipped wednesday it arrives friday or thursday? Sorry idk why im asking itll come either way lol

im about to head to pick my laptop up it got here last night

No worries. From shipping to door delivery was 2 days, 5 hours, 56 minutes. I’m in the DC area.

Gotcha okay thanks! Mine just left customs in Alaska so maybe if im lucky itll arrive tmr if not monday, but man im so impatient lol

Framework tracking aside, it has been incredibly useful for me to setup the FedEx shipment manager, UPS (UPS my choice), and USPS (called “informed delivery” in USA) services that alert you when you have a package inbound. I almost always get notified by the carrier before the vendor on a shipment.

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Got my Framework 16 today, seems super cool, only just installed Windows 11 Enterprise.

unfortunately the keyboard has a lot of flex on the far right side right up to the side of the macropad, not sure if the keyboard is warped or the

midplate has to much flex in the middle. i tried reseating everything a couple times, no luck.

submitted a support ticket just a moment ago, i’ll updated with how it goes.

other than that, the Clear Keyboard and RGB macropad look amazing!

I can corroborate this. FedEx Delivery Manager, UPS My Choice, and USPS Informed Delivery have to be some of the most useful services to have in the States nowadays. It’s pretty nice to not be in the dark about shipments to my address.