FW16 Batch 20 Guild

I’m in the UK and haven’t received mine yet, according to the FedEx tracking it’s in the UK though, and is scheduled for delivery on Tuesday.

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They have pretty specific routes they use, its usually pretty normal. For example fedex eurohub is in Paris where all euro parcels end and from there they continue to the final destination.

Of course it looks strange that a package going to germany would go from cologne to paris and back to Germany but as they go with planes, it would take more work hours to separate packages in these smaller hubs and then package them to a truck etc.


Mine arrived with 3.0.2 and the current version is 3.0.3.

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If I’m planning on dual-booting, is there any reason to follow the BIOS update instructions for Windows vs Linux?

There’s an option on the download page to grab the USB stick method. Just plug it in, boot into the USB and it updates for you. The “BIOS EFI updater” is what you choose.

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Also, if you’re having a problem with a black screen on your SECOND boot into Linux, here’s something that will help. I’ve tested this on two Framework devices. Each had identical problems.

Yea i probably shoulda did a check to make sure my bios were already up to date, I heard everyone say to do it so i just did without checking like a real amateur lol. Luckily I let the power drain and restarted it and that fixed everything. Only sad part is I received a partially defective keyboard I believe because not all the keys work and i know that for a fact because I can’t boot into bios with my f2 button and fn just doesnt do anything. Nor does my e g or h lol

I wasn’t sure either but luckily letting the battery drain and restarting fixed it. I think somehow everything froze over during the update and it wasn’t able to power off or restart (power button was not responsive) so after it fully powered off and ran out of batteries that allowed it to reboot I guess and now it works sans for a few keys on my keyboard. I must have just gotten a bad batch T_T. Never had a bios update go haywire before, I was terrified lol. This is why I always get a mobo with a bios flash button on my pc.

i had a similiar Problem, when i updated my Legion Go Bios. it didn‘t do anything and even all Lights went off. Even after an Hour nothing responded. Next Day i plugged in the Charger and it was again Up and Running with the previous Biosversion. I Did update it afterwards, no Problem.
Bummer with your Keyboard.

Windows BIOS update is mega easy - just run the EXE (you may need to be admin, can’t remember) and it just works. No worries about how the USB stick is formatted etc.

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Yea bios is strange and the most terrifying update process ive been through everytjme i do updates for a new build.

And yea its a bummer butnwe know framework will make it right and just either troubleshoot or send me a new keyboard so im not too sad ill just plut in a keyboard in the mean time

Well it looks like a scheme. Fedex is one day early.
My Laptop arrived at Home. Now i have to get home on Friday :sweat_smile:

I just got mine as well, with 30 minutes to spare before I have to head to an appointment, but I assembled it and went to Bios just to be sure, all fine so far :wink:

I got mine just after noon UK time, I’ve set up Fedora (Plasma). So far I’m really impressed with the quality and the ease of assembly. It was always going to be difficult for the laptop to live up to the hype I was generating for it, but so far it’s matching the hype. The fans have ramped up to max when installing Vivado earlier, but other than that they’re really quiet.

28 hours? That’s crazy, congrats!

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Got mine today, unfortunately it has no sign of life :frowning:

I’m beginning to stress a little as I’ve got no news from FedEx since this morning where it stopped at them leaving a checkpoint, at 1am… It still says I should receive my laptop tomorrow morning, though I can’t help but wonder why there hasn’t been any update about it arriving to another checkpoint :thinking: With how well it was going before that, and everyone saying they got theirs a day in advance, I admit I was kind of expecting it arriving today xD
Although I wonder how they’ll deliver it, since I can’t communicate with them and my doorbell is broken

Mine was just dumped into the Gardenbox of my Neighbour. I had the Delivery Adress set to my Neighbour as i knew i won’t be home.

There was no chime no nothing, Just in there, no Signature.

Yeah, they’ll probably be in legal troubles if they try something like this here xD
Got an update btw! Looks like it finally arrived at the next checkpoint, took them 26h for a 4-5h drive for some reason haha

The computer arrived! The guy was late, with a bs excuse, but it arrived intact and is booting up fine so far. And I gotta admit, the framework 16 does live up to the hype :grin: