FW16 Batch 3 Guild

Here’s my Batch 3 16" alongside my Batch 1 13" AMD - both pretty much maxed out specs.

The 13" has been awesome for the past 4.5 months, and I probably don’t need the 16" too… :slight_smile:

The main point I noted when setting up the 16" vs. the 13" - I had to remove a RAM stick to get the 16" to boot for the first time. Reseating didn’t do anything - but after the first boot with one, everything has been fine with both.


Wow, left Taiwan yesterday and already out for delivery today, US East Coast.

I think Framework got the fast Fedex service for these, you guys.

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Batch 3, in hand. I’ve got one of them wild 5600C40 kits, so before absolutely anything else is a Memtest run.

edit- uhh… hmm, well. Maybe its the GPU expansion, but the UI for memtest86 starts about three inches from the bottom right corner. So I can see… well, here:

edit2- in memtest you can set the display resolution with config options before letting it just start on auto. set res to 2560x1440 and we’re good now, 5600MT/s / x4 channel (?) / 40-40-40-90 / 1.1v. Let the test begin!


I also had some weird issues with the input modules and display until I installed the Framework driver bundle and AMD graphics drivers.
So maybe that should really be the absolute very actually before anything else at all thing you do :wink:

How long have you all seen from getting charged to getting the shipment notification. Was charged last night but haven’t seen any emails today.

I was charged in the evening of the 22nd and got the shipping mail in the morning of 23rd.
It might be notable that I live in Germany, I have no idea how time zone differences between me and Taiwan/Framework-HQ might affect that schedule compared to your experience.

BTW there is a thread where the community tries to piece together a timeline of batches shipping and preparation/charged/shipped mails:

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Got mine today! Installed on my DIY edition:

  • SK Hynix platinum P41 1TB NVME
  • 2x32GB Crucial DDR5-5600 CL46

Getting my Arch install up and running, but so far everything’s going smoothly!

For anyone curious, my keyboard doesn’t seem to be showing any of the flex issues that youtube reviewers seemed to be noticing.


[pokes Framework with credit card]
Ahem… :grin:

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I know the feeling. I even preemptively changed my keyboard selection from the delayed Linux keyboard to US English, but still didn’t get charged.

Ikr? Now that I know it could be any day now the anticipation is killing me lol

Scratch that, looks like I’ve been charged! Can’t wait!

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Funny thing is, mine arrived a day early - yesterday. I love it.

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Thank youuuuu!

Man, new things are expensive…


Top one is an Overkill, bottom is a DIY.

Business partner and I are super stoked to move our Dell XPS 15 9500’s to personal machines.

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Well I should have just been patient.

Update- the 5600C40 kit passed all four runs of Memtest and four hours of Prime95. I think we’re good.
GSKILL Ripjaws F5-5600S4040A32GX2-RS


I was also charged yesterday but have not received any email of payment capture or shipping yet. Hopefully it isn’t lost in the warehouse like another customer in Batch 1.

I originally had Linux keyboard in my order, but had recently changed it to US English to avoid the delay if possible.

Update at 18:45 Taiwan time: Just got the shipping email. In case you also didn’t get capture email, don’t fret as sometimes they ship without it.

Same! :partying_face:

Shipped out standard by the end of their business day in Taiwan.
Arriving Tuesday. Can’t complain.

And now we play the waiting game.

Also woke up with shipping notification, says it’ll arrive Tuesday for me too