FW16 Batch 4 Guild

Dude. It arrived on Friday lol, waiting for me to get home. You’re a fortune teller or something xd


Nope just been reading about every forum post from batch1/2 and extrapolated the information. :sunglasses::grin:

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Just to note to the community that this post is most likely misleading, but probably just plain wrong ;). Framework clearly stated in the last email update that the company plans to ship several batches at the same time. So the claim made here that one batch strictly comes after the other is most likely wrong for many customers. Given that a few people saw this post, this is just fact checking for the community to make sure they do not believe it. @Magic I hope this helps. :wink:

unboxing now!


Just got a shipping notification this morning! FedEx has it in Taiwan currently, but no delivery date has been given yet.

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funny, they reused the numpad box for macropad. it feels like christmas with the so many small boxes!


I received my shipping notification at 0139 PST today!


And set up, really loving the whole Lego aspect xD


My order seems to be stuck in Alaska, hasn’t moved in over a day :confused: hopefully I can get mine by tomorrow but not sure if they’ll deliver on a weekend


Since 4:42? Haha. Must be in the same basket mine’s in.

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From what I can tell, my shipment has both a master tracking number and is listed as a direct distribution shipment. It seems as though they ship a whole pallet or similar together to the same location (IE: Memphis, TN for the fedex Superhub in the USA) and then they split it apart there. This is likely some deal to save shipping costs as I can imagine that sending thousands of Fedex International Priority Shipments would be insanely expensive.

All this to say can the folks in Anchorage hurry it up please.


Mine seems to be stuck in Memphis TN. I’ve got 4 separate “updates” from FedEx saying it’s “on its way” from Memphis so I have no idea what that means.

My “delivery by” date and time rolled up and the whole time FedEx said it was “on time”. The time went by and the “delivery by” date and time just vanished with no update. It still says “on time” so who knows what that actually means if it can miss its scheduled delivery and still be “on time” with no updates.

Your theory for a pallet to the USA and then separate distribution onwards makes a lot of sense.

FedEx was starting to impress me with how fast they went from Taiwan to mainland US but alas, FedEx will never cease to disappoint and lie about what’s going on :confused:


I ran the master tracking numbers and determined that my shipment is already in Memphis :slight_smile:

Also, it seems as though the pallet dimensions are 574241cms, and the total weight for all packages are 2,297lbs. That’s quite a lot haha and there’s no way that’s the weight of 4 laptops. So there’s probably multiple of the same “pallets”.

The tracking shows delivered to Memphis and is signed for there. So likely they will break down the boxes and distribute them. I am nervous yours might have accidentally gotten left in a box or FedEx is just slow at breaking these down. It is rare for a package to stay in Memphis (although it is now the weekend, so it is possible you will not see anything until Sunday night).

After Monday or Tuesday I’d ask FedEx.

I’m wondering who else my buddies were on their FedEx trip. My master tck # is 734268399356.


FedEx is a disaster. I’m not here to blame Framework at all, but I’d suggest for future products maybe offering a choice of two or three couriers?

If it’s stuck in Anchorage, that’s a customs thing, so you’d have to take it up with CBP. Or, that’s what I’ve heard, since so much cargo goes through ANC to clear customs, before being sent onward to domestic destinations.

My carton box actually arrived in pretty much mint condition (big thumbs up for the good packaging in the factory, ample padding to the sides and no unnecessary gaps, to hinder the laptop from hopping or sliding around during transit).
Maybe the scuff happened before/after the plane ride to Amsterdam (since you mentioned being in the Netherlands), our packages were on the same scenic route via Guangzhou-New Delhi-Dubai-(Cairo-Alexandria)-Paris CDG (in an only half a year old Boeing 777F), after which our laptops most likely split ways when mine boarded a plane to Hanover, Germany. :smile:


FedEx delivered worse. But packaging was on par. Beautiful peace of engineering this FW16 is. Hope to use it for a very long time…


Mine has unfortunately not arrived yet.
For some reason, it was first routed to France, then it was routed to cologne, Germany and now it’s back in the same hub in France again :clown_face:


After a days rest in Alaska, mine moved to Memphis and then Moon Township. Should be sorted today and I’d expect it to show up Monday on time. :tada:


There is a customs office for CedEx/FedEx in Paris, so if it says CDG international shipment release, it’s just waiting to be released. If you’re at package available for clearance, then it’s about to be released at should be processed further. Package is stil in Cologne.

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